Pump unstuck


New member
Got a fluval cp4 circulation pump that does an excellent job, it's quiet and powerful. The issue I have is that it keeps coming unstuck from the glass and points straight down. It's become a bit of a routine normally at least once day sometimes more. Any ideas on what I can do to keep it stuck in place? It uses 3 suckers, no magnets. Can the suckers be replaced?
Thanks in advance

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Maybe a biological film built up on the suckers? Wipe down with h2o2? Maybe brace a rock against the pump to hold it...which is my solution in my lotus pot---not ideal, but (sigh) suckers are a pita.
Over time those suction cups just become hard and brittle and they become more of a PITA than anything else. Sometimes throwing them in some boiling water for a few seconds will make them more pliable, but overall they just need to be replaced. In one of my older tanks I used some fishing line and suspended the pumps from the canopy. Not sure what your set up is like, but something like this might be doable.