Pumps for 3/4" Glass or Acrylic Tanks


Premium Member
My new tank will end up being made out of 3/4" glass and just noticed my favorite pump the Tunze 6105 does not work with glass that thick unless I buy a extension magnet. I checked the price of the magnet and not sure I want to pay that much for a magnet.

For those with glass or acrylic 3/4" or thicker what pumps are you using on your tanks?

I have a gyre 150 and jebao pp8 on 3/4. I had to upgrade my tunze care magnet and seaweed clip when I moved to the thicker glass tank but it was more an annoyance when you suddenly realize something won't stick! Lol

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I have 4 SeaSwirls that I purchased for my 265 setup. I am hoping to do minimal PH and mostly use the swirls. I dont have a problem augmenting with PH though.

Think about mp60's? I heard of someone having one mp60 in a 90g cube, today.
Thanks everyone for the feedback! The extra $100 for the Tunze magnet has me thinking about the MP40's.
Haha...no sooner than I write this post and one of my Gyre's stopped working. It has a red blinking power light.

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cleanmyaquarium - Well that just sucks on the Gyre!

I broke down and placed and order for 3 MP40s today. One less decision to make :). Between the 3 MP40's, 2 6105's on those sea sweeps, and two sea swirls I think I should have enough water turnover.
Thanks everyone for the feedback! The extra $100 for the Tunze magnet has me thinking about the MP40's.

Not familiar with the external magnet structure, but perhaps you could just stack another magnet on top? I do this with my mag-shelf rocks.
Mp40s were always falling off a 3/4" tank I take care of. The new Neptune wavs are on there now with 0 issues. They work on up to 1". I even had the mp60 fall off a few times.
Build thread from one of our local club members http://www.marinecolorado.org/forum...enman-s-700-gallon-resurrection-from-the-dead
He has a 1 1/4" thick acrylic tank that even the MP60s wouldn't stick too. So he made his own holders for them, using some acrylic rods, wire and bungie cords to wrap around and hold them on. You can see this in the last pic of the first post.
I believe he used weldon16 to adhere the rods to the tank sides, drilled small holes through them, looped a piece of wire through the holes and then attached the bungies.