purple clam and mate


New member
I just wanted to show my nice 10 inch escomosa, he is a great purple colour and is doing great with his mate the RC sahul tang.
nice nice. :D What is a escomosa? Is that some sort Aussie lingo for clam? :confused: Or I'm just ignorant...hehe.

peterlin98 said:
Jim -
I was going to ask the same question. Maybe it's a squamosa?

I think that cisco did mean Squamosa, but Im pretty darn sure it is a T. Maxima. Beautful nonetheless!!

Yep soory about the speling not my strong point, but I dou think that it is an squamosa and not a maxima because off the bib ridges on the side her is anouther pic to see them.
I have no idea whether that is a squamosa or a maxima. If it is a coveted colored squamosa you have an absolutely amazing piece there my friend.
Looks like my squamosa, mantle pattern, mantle nodules, and scutes. But mine is brown/orange, not that beautiful purple.
Hmmm this is Cisco's wife perhaps I should proof read his threads before he post's them......truly that last one was hiliarious I'm still LMAO!!!!:lolspin:
I'm with Ali and think that it's a pretty rare colored Squamosa. Here's a side of the Maxima shell where you can see scutes forming on a juvenile size Maxima,they're bery closely spaced and very shallow.There is quite big difference in the two shells in juvenile stage, I think:)
The third picture posted by Cisco does make me re-think it being a Maxima. The shell in the 3rd picture bears STRIKING resemblance to a Squamosa.