Purple Tang $80


Active member
Fat Healthy eats everything. Purple tang for sale $80 it's 4+ inches. Probably closer to 5 inches, He just doesn't stay still long enough to measure him.
I'm going in a different direction w/my tank.
This is the best photo I could take.
I come to the Monterey/Santa Cruz area about twice a month.
I'll be driving thru the area around 11:00am...up to santa cruz tomorrow 5/13

and Monday the 18th I'll be in Monterey/Carmel
try posting a thread in the S.F. bay area forum if you haven't already... there are way more reefkeepers in the Bay that have larger tanks. Although- you may not be able to get someone to pay 80$ and drive a few hours to come p/u.

just my thoughts.