Q: about lighting for 180 gallon


New member
I know im opening a can of worns but i really need some feedback.
I have a 72"x24"x24" sps currently i have a maristar 2 fixture that has 4 t5 and 250w metal halide that i want to switch to full t5 or the reefbrite hybrid metal halide.. Would this tank do fine with an ati 8 bulb fixture or its better go the metal halide way with reefbrite for blue suplementation. Thank you in advance.
Ahhhhh, the question that can't be answered. Good luck lol.

FWIW, an 8 bulb of sufficient length is fine. Adding a blue led strip for pop would be nice as well.
On my 180g with 90% SPS I had a 7 bulb T-5 fixture which colored up all my acros and montis very we'll. I did add some blue reefbrite to add a little punch though.

That being said my 72" Aquactinics T-5 Constellation is for sale $199.

I would be wary of keeping Tridacnids on the bottom without using a PAR meter and if you do keep Tridacnids I would avoid croceas and maximas with a 2ft deep tank running only t-5s, and if you do, better make sure to change bulbs and keep your water nice and polished.
^^^^just my .02.

Most SPS will be fine pretty much anywhere though.
i'm planning out my standard 180 upgrade and am leaning towards t5 / led combo. i'm thinking of 6 ati 60" bulbs and 6 aurora pucks running down the middle. you still get the punch from the cree led's, great color and growth, can control them from the apex, and half the cost of radions.