I am thinking about purchasing a osmolator as my new auto top-off to replace my existing one and here's the reason why. The top-off unit I have on my tank now is a small cylinder like tube with suction cups that is mounted in my return section. When the water level gets below the mouth of the cylinder the pumps turns on and tops off my water. The thing is when it's time to top off my tank, a couple of gallons is pumped into my tank and I am constantly dealing with overflow issues with my skimmer. A guy a a LFS told me I needed the Tunze osmolator . The reason is because when water isn't in contact with the senor it will pump water into the sump and it won't be gallons at a time thus keeping the water level stable in my sump. My sump is composed of three sections with baffles. In my skimmer section the water level is constant. So if my water level in my return section is lowered and then filled, how does that affect my skimmer water level in that section since I have baffles? I am looking for a fix to my skimmer over flowing. Is what the guy in the lfs said to me true?