New member
This might be a newbie question, but I guess I just haven't given it much thought until recently.
I have a quarantine tank, but I haven't added any fish recently, and probably won't for a while. So basically it's a hospital tank until the next time I decide to add a fish. My maintenance/upkeep on this tank has been fairly minimal, as follows:
-top up with fresh water as needed, usually weekly
-25% water change monthly
-add a tiny bit of food once/week
-change the filter foam pad monthly (AC hang on filter with only foam pad insert in it)
-there is another AC hang on filter with ceramic media. I rinse them out every couple of months.
-testing: I use an ammonia dip test once in a while to make sure nothing is awhack, and I check the specific gravity when I do water changes.
I've basically been doing the above for the last 6 months.
Is this enough maintenance, or is there something I'm missing? Also, it's a 10 gallon tank, and I have two Aquaclear 30 hang on filters. Is this overkill/unnecessary?
I have a quarantine tank, but I haven't added any fish recently, and probably won't for a while. So basically it's a hospital tank until the next time I decide to add a fish. My maintenance/upkeep on this tank has been fairly minimal, as follows:
-top up with fresh water as needed, usually weekly
-25% water change monthly
-add a tiny bit of food once/week
-change the filter foam pad monthly (AC hang on filter with only foam pad insert in it)
-there is another AC hang on filter with ceramic media. I rinse them out every couple of months.
-testing: I use an ammonia dip test once in a while to make sure nothing is awhack, and I check the specific gravity when I do water changes.
I've basically been doing the above for the last 6 months.
Is this enough maintenance, or is there something I'm missing? Also, it's a 10 gallon tank, and I have two Aquaclear 30 hang on filters. Is this overkill/unnecessary?