quarantine tank to frag tank


New member
I have a sumpless 29 gallon tank with 2 inches of sand, 25 lbs. of encrusted liverock naturally growing halimeda, lit by two shoplites, and running a reef octopus bh100 T skimmer. The tank has never been treated. I was thinking of getting a couple of magnetic frag racks, along with a 165 watt Marsaqua LED, and using it as a frag tank. Any thoughts, suggestions, opinions on herbivores to have, clean up crew, water change schedule, coral feeding, circulation,or any other pertinent information.
no, the fish population has been stable in my 180 and 40 gallon for several years now. I suppose I would replace some fish losses but most likely just let the population slowly decrease by natural attrition. I have a relatively high fish load in both tanks. So far all appears happy and healthy.
I mean for your incoming frags, you can get all kinds of pests coming in on new arrivals sometimes...
Actually I hadn't even thought about that. I just assumed that dipping the new arrivals would be sufficient. You would suggest running two simultaneous and parallel systems? I would quarantine my fish in untreated QT for one month. How long would you quarantine new outside corals?
Actually I hadn't even thought about that. I just assumed that dipping the new arrivals would be sufficient. You would suggest running two simultaneous and parallel systems? I would quarantine my fish in untreated QT for one month. How long would you quarantine new outside corals?

3-6 weeks.
30 day or more. Can use Bayer dip for pests - wait a week - if anything needs revive or Louis solution dips do that - feed if need be - I only have a few snails in my at tank - always running I use water changes from display tank.