question about garf giant xenia


New member
Anyone have this coral or any experience in the past? It is really cool looking and supposedly doesn't take over a tank like typical xenia. A LFS in my area has a few colonies and i may purchase one.
thats what my avatar is, i had it for awhile and tank got screwed up and lost the parent. had the baby in another tank while i upgraded and i lost it a few days before moving over. only ever saw 2 of em. wife really liked it.
it started to walk and i saw a small spot that was still atactched at the base so i cut it to see if it would survive. it survived the parent got bleached twice (my fault). but the baby survived. i heard they are hard to prop thats why i took the foot. the parent was around 4" tall, i saw one for sale at the store after i bought that one, never seen it since.
They are absolutely NOT hard to propogate... Mine would get so large that it would slowly fall over, and the foot would adhere, so the foot became longer. You could slice it a few times, and new heads would form. I finally sold it when I broke down my 18 gallon, and it died in the new tank. I originally got mine from Chris Little (Chrisaggie). I loved that coral. If it weren't for my theme of my new tank, I'd be looking for another piece.
Here's a pic of it... this picture is by no means the biggest it got, it actually got around twice this size.


The xenia underneath it is full size elongata.
nope, no purple tips... but then again it grew like that under pc's. The stalk was more like a leather coral, but softer. Stalk was like 2" diameter, about 6" long, the head was about 9" diameter, about 4" tall.