Question about growth...


Premium Member
Hi all

My tank is about 1 year old now and I have a lot of SPS frags that I am waiting to grow out to fill in my reef. I am noticing that most of my sps are spreading out from the base at a good growth rate but they are not really growing in hight.
I have 2x400w MH, 1xdaylight 110w vho and one 110w VHO actinic all on a standard 120gal tank.

Does it tell me something when the corals grow out from the base but not upward?

Is this common?

I had the same thing happen at first and now my upward growth has exploded. In my opinion this is a pretty normal pattern for healthy corals. They anchor then grow upward.
I have the same experience. I started with all frags mostly SPS. Ive had my tank set up for about 2.5 years now. Some frags start out with good growth right away and some dont. Starting from frags and watching them encrust rocks with no other signs can get a little frustrating. I have some frags that after a year, even as much as 2 years didnt do anything exept lay down an encrusting base. Then take off with great growth. Just keep up the water quality and husbandry. I have mounted alot of mine laying down the frag on the side which helps it encrust a larger area faster but also seems to take longer to get that upward growth. But when they do decide to grow then the rates after they layed down that big base can be fantastic. This hobby will definately teach paitence.
Thanks for the replys....

I am patient but I was starting to wonder if I had some abnormal growth gowing on...

Flow is very good with a Mag18 Closed loop and 2 Modded MJ1200's

Parameters are

pH range low 8.18 High 8.21
alk is 10.5DKH
temp is 77-78Deg
Salinity is 1.025
magnesium 1280
Calcium 420ppm
