question about LED intensity


New member
I am still pretty new to led lighting so I am looking for some input. I'll be setting up a Solana and I have a Radion that will go over it. My tank with be a mixed reef. How high and what intensity should I go with?

What intensity do other Radion owners have it on?
I don't have a radion, but I do have experience with LEDs, specifically Reefbreeders. I would set the height to ensure you get full coverage. Perhaps set your intensity to 50% and hold it up to find the sweet spot. As far as intensity goes, this is tricky without a par meter. I started my blue channel at 30% and white at 15% on a sunrise/sunset ramp using the excel spreadsheet on Reefbreeders website. From there I increased my intensity 5% per week on both channels and then stopped the whites at 40% and the blues at 80%. 80 was the magic number because at 85% a couple acros started bleaching. I went back down to 80% and everything has been growing great ever since. I stopped the white at 40% only because that was the temperature I wanted my reef to look like.

I imagine a similar technique would work well for the radions.
I run 4x radion pros at max intensity of 40% and that's only 4.5 hours during the 10 hour lighting schedule. Rest of the day is 25-30 percent
Depends on the lenses you have. I run three radion G3 pros and I have wide angle lenses. I'm about 8 inches off the water and my max is 60% for about 4 hours during the middle of the day..
I have a gen1, and I've been looking at other people's RadIon graphs online and I noticed that there is a gentleman named John and he has a "John graph" and a lot of people seem to use it. He has about 70% intensity. I thought 70% was pretty high but everyone seems to swear by it.
All depends on the duration of the maximum intensity. The sun around noon time on a coral reef would be pretty intense if you think about it. Give it a shot and see if it works for you. I would put the light in acclimation mode.