Question about my Aquatic life 200GPD Unit

Salt Stain

New member
Hello I ordered from you guys an Aquatic Life 200 GPD Unit that arrived today. My question is do you check that the units work before you ship them out? Reason I ask is when I took the cover off to install the membranes water poured out of them. Is this normal? I'm thinking its not and the fact this unit cost me $500 and I might have gotten a USED unit I am pretty ****ed off having paid full price.

Also the front cover has white marks all over it..... Really Really dropped the ball this time fellas:thumbdown

-Chris Novosel
Hi Chris,

Thanks for your inquiry. We do not test the units here, but i checked with the manufacturer and they verified that they do test them at their facility to ensure that the unit is in proper working condition. The water that dripped out of your filter is from testing at the manufacturer.

As for the cover, if it's scratched up, that should definitely not happen. Please send us a photo so we can investigate.
