Question about new crocea clam


Premium Member
I have a beautiful new 4" crocea clam. It was night time when I first put it in the tank so I just laid it on the sand. In the morning it had tipped over and I uprighted it a few times during that day. I have my other clam (maximas) on old scallop shells which is great when I need to take them out. Later that day I found a nice shell for the new crocea as well but he just isn't attaching to it. As a matter of fact, he seems like he doesn't want his foot to touch it. At first he was tipping himself so I places two pieces of rock on each side and now he keeps tipping backwards so that his foot isn't touching the shell. This particular shell is an abalone not a scallop.

Is there something about abalone shells I should know about? Or would the crocea really prefer to be on a piece of rock? I just don't have an appropriate piece or I would have tried it already. I could get one though.
Flame Angel that is interesting. The crocea (know as the boring clam) Does prefer rock. I usually take my demel and create and area in the rock for the crocea. I am wondering if the clam can tell the difference by touching?
I hadn't noticed it before but this clam has a chunk of white rock or something he has attached to that is covering the bysal opening. I really don't see how he will be able to attach to anything while this rock is there. Do you think it would be advisable to cut it off with a razor blade?


My clam must be reading my posts. When I got up this morning he had dumped that chunk of rock. There was a bunch of bysal threads but also a white meaty chunk. I uprighted him and he hasn't tipped over since. I have him on a scallop shell now and I'm hoping he'll attach.

Question - when a clam let's go of something, like this chunk of rock, should I be seeing a white meaty chunk as well?
Thanks for bumping my post Glassman, I had forgotten about this one. Update - the clam is fine. It did attach just fine to the scallop shell. Whatever that chunk I saw was it couldn't have been too important or I doubt the clam would have been able to attach to the shell.