Question about rock containing dead coral


New member
Bought a new soft coral package from Drs. Foster and Smith, and one came dead - it's hard to tell which, because they're not labeled, and I'm relatively new to reef (just upgraded from fish-only three months back).

Anyway, one of the four came dead or dying(not suprising because the temperature in Chicago was in the 90's when it came the other day). Sat in the tank for a day before I realized it was gone, and my nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia levels were high.

I took out the rock with the dying/dead coral on it and scooped all the decaying coral, and I have a quick question:

Can I ever return that piece of rock to my tank? I mean, should I let it sit out for a week or two to make sure all the decaying coral is completely dead, and them return it to the tank? Or should I not bother, and just toss the rock?

Delphin, you can most certainly use that rock again. My suggestion is to put it into a container with a skimmer and power head for a week or two and then return to the tank. Easy as pie. Doesn't FosterSmith have a live-arrive guarantee?