question about SLR cam.


New member
Is there any good(I mean ok) SLR camera out there that in the $300 range? I think 5-7 mp is good enough. But the camera is the cheaper the better.
Thank you

Please give the brand, model, estimate price and if posible where to buy it(website).
You may be able to find a used one for that much, but the picken is pretty slim atm. Start shopping September 20th when Canon releases their two new pro and semi-pro DSLRs and you'll probably find a Canon EOS Rebel XT for around $350 or so if not less. Nikon will be doing the same thing too, but I do not like them â€"œ they are rich in bells and whistles but image wise Canon still wins.
Even the cheaper SLR cameras typically start in the $6-700 range, and that's with a basic lens. Your best bet is to look for a used SLR camera that's a few years old that started in that price range. In canon, that would be a Rebel or Rebel XT. I'm sure someone else can recommend Nikon equivalent models.
:) Like was said - its probably going to be pretty slim pickings to find an SLR that cheap, even a used one that cheap is going to max out your budget (if not go way over it) for just the body. And the body is really only PART of what you need - also need things like cards, lenses of course (which are going to run you much more than the body most likely) and other accessories. Your best bet if you were to look toward Canon would probably be an old 300D or 10D. :) Are you sure you need an DSLR? One of the bridge cameras might be a better idea for you right now, there are several put out by nearly every camera company. Both the Canon SxIS series (x being number, S2IS, S3IS, S5IS, etc.) and the Fuji 9100 are really nice and have a lot of those DSLR feels and functions while at the same time being an all in one package at the same time. if you're still hard pressed on getting a DSLR I'd look around at B&H's used section or maybe Adorama, but you might need to save up just a little bit more.
Just curious, you didn't mention digital in the posting, are you wanting a standard SLR or Digital SLR, huge difference.
You can pick up a used SLR with decent lens for $100-$300, just have to process the film and have it put on a disk.