question about streams

Thomas Geisel

New member
the manual says if you use the electronic streams in connection with the controller, you have to set the power on the little blue box to 100%.

But what ,if itÃ"šÃ‚´s still to much current for a little tank.

can anything be damaged ,if you reduce the power in the little blue box to 50% and on the controller itsself to lowest value??
Don't do it, the pump can have problems starting, sound the alarm and the controller can be damaged. You need to downsize the transformer, and if it is still to much let me know, I need more info like pump model and tank size.
Thanks for your answer, i asked for a guy here in germany who
wanted to have less current in his tank.
Now i can tell him , not to try it this way.
The best is to downsize the transformer, otherwise he can get a smaller propeller from the factory.
Yes, what model does he have and I can tell you the model down. Is it for 50Hz (Germany)?
That is a 42mm prop. The US version of the 6060 prop is only 36mm. Their are no smaller props in 50Hz but the 60Hz prop is smaller, you would need to call and explain the problem and ask for part 6060.12A, the A is critical because the German one will be the same size.