Question about Tunze Hook up.


New member
Does anyone know the proper way to hook up my Tunze power heads? I was sold the Tunze 1 and Tunze 2 cables, and the store said that is all I need. Looking this over more closely I am wondering two things: 1) Do I need a Y splitter? and 2) Where do I plug these in on the Profilux?

Thanks for your help,

they need to be connected to "L" ports... if you have 2 free, all you need is the 2 cable... if you only have one free, you will need the spliter
yep you are all set...

if you connect tunze 1 to L1-L2, set your first pump to L1
if you connect tunze 2 to L3-L4, set your first pump to L4

you can see that you are "losing" port 2 and 3, but if you dont need them it dosent mater. later on you can get the spliter and set Tunze 2 to L2 if you ever needed the spare port
Thanks, I knew it would be soon. I just wanted to get a jump on it this morning.

BTW, I have something incorrect, so I may have to wait anyway.
Sorry for being impatient, but I have the extra time do post this now. Can someone look at my screen shots and let me know if they look correct?


  • Tunze1.JPG
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no you have to user the 1-10v to asign the tunze... just plug the power in a regular powerbar and set them to the proper "L" port
Ah Ha! It's working! I think I get it now. One other question, do I have to calibrate my PH sensor before I use it? If so, are there instructions for this somewhere?
Yes you do, you will need calibration fluid (7.0 + 9.0)

After that go to the controller, hit the down arrow, navigate to sensor & probes, select PH, down a few times and you will get calibrate
OK, I just looked at the sensor. Am I supposed to unwrap the plastic from the sensor and then dip in the calibration fluid to calibrate?