Question for those of you who have their water change tanks in the garage


So I'm trying to plan for my next build. I'm going to be having my display tank against a wall where on the other side of the wall is the interior of my garage. I'm going to mix my salt and water change water in a tank that's in my garage. Obviously, I'll have to run a hose from the water change tank through the wall and into the interior of my home where the tank is. Since i'm going to be cutting a hole between my garage and the interior of my home, I have to find a way to cover up the gap between the hose and the sheetrock. I don't want any mice or roaches to be able to get in. Just wondering what you guys use to cover the gaps. Is there some kind of rubber grommet or something else that you use? Thanks!!
There are lots of do-dads that are similar to light switch plates with openings that would work. Hardware store.
You can install a rework low voltage mounting bracket on both sides (has ears that to the drywall or plywood, then a blank cover on both and drill hole to the appropriate size in the blank cover.
So I'm trying to plan for my next build. I'm going to be having my display tank against a wall where on the other side of the wall is the interior of my garage. I'm going to mix my salt and water change water in a tank that's in my garage. Obviously, I'll have to run a hose from the water change tank through the wall and into the interior of my home where the tank is. Since i'm going to be cutting a hole between my garage and the interior of my home, I have to find a way to cover up the gap between the hose and the sheetrock. I don't want any mice or roaches to be able to get in. Just wondering what you guys use to cover the gaps. Is there some kind of rubber grommet or something else that you use? Thanks!!

Go to the Home Depot website. Type "5037-WH" in the search box. That is what you need.

I have the exact same setup as you and thats what I'm using. When you go to the aisle that has the item I mentioned you'll see some additional options. Pick the one that works best. The one I used looks like 5037-WH but has a simple mounting setup that doesn't require any backplate. It just kind of hooks onto the drywall.
Go to the Home Depot website. Type "5037-WH" in the search box. That is what you need.

I have the exact same setup as you and thats what I'm using. When you go to the aisle that has the item I mentioned you'll see some additional options. Pick the one that works best. The one I used looks like 5037-WH but has a simple mounting setup that doesn't require any backplate. It just kind of hooks onto the drywall.

Just checked it out. Looked real good until I saw the install video. In the install video, after they have the two wires going through the hole, you see some big gaps around the wires. That would be a problem as over here during summer when it gets hot, I tend to get roaches in the garage. Never in the house but they find ways to get in my garage. Roaches would have no problem getting into the home with those big gaps. I think I'm probably going to go with either spray foam or electrical putty.