Question on fish death...


In Memoriam
On saturday I purchased 2 fish from jawz. A flame hawk and an oriental sweet lips. Today I came home to see my clean up crew feasting on the carcass of the sweetlips. I very rarely buy fish from an lfs due to issues back in orlando. I hope we dont have those same issues down here in south fl. Does anyone know what an LFS usually does in these situations? Thank you for your help!

I purchased a flame angel from jawz on Wednesday of last week. The fish is doing very well, and in great condition. What is it exactly that your getting at?
Re: Question on fish death...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12058670#post12058670 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by venom00viper
On saturday I purchased 2 fish from jawz. A flame hawk and an oriental sweet lips. Today I came home to see my clean up crew feasting on the carcass of the sweetlips. I very rarely buy fish from an lfs due to issues back in orlando. I hope we dont have those same issues down here in south fl. Does anyone know what an LFS usually does in these situations? Thank you for your help!

Plectorhinchus vittatus-traditionally difficult to keep. NEED live food 'till he gets used to frozen.
I dunno about your tank but certainly not a start fish in no way shape or form..
Needs an established tank and certainly big environment.
Re: Question on fish death...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12058670#post12058670 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by venom00viper
Does anyone know what an LFS usually does in these situations?

Sorry, Ben.
To the best of my knowledge, no LFS gives any kind of a guarantee on SW fish once they've left the store.
It's far too easy to kill SW fish and inverts by improper acclimation for any store to take that kind of chance.
Not saying that's what happened in your case, but I'm sure you can see my point.
Re: Question on fish death...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12058670#post12058670 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by venom00viper
Does anyone know what an LFS usually does in these situations?

Yeah, "Get rich!"

Had to say it :lol: I don't even tell them about it.

Good luck, and sorry to hear about your fish.
Ok thanks for the comments. thats what I figured. Yeah there were a few stores that would love to tell people that a fish would do well in there tank knowing that it would not just to make a sale. needless to say 2 of those stores were mysteriously closed. hmmm. Down here I have found nothing but helpful lfs owners. Thanks again guys.
