Question... Will my spotted hawk fish terrorize a file fish?


New member
If you have seen our tank build thread you know we have a mess on our hands. Currently fish in a few different systems, each with their own issues.

Bottom line is I have to do a tank transfer series on my existing fish, and would like to do it for fish currently in two different systems that will then reside in a third system for a time.

I have a semi aggressive main tank with a lemon peel angel, powder blue tang, spotted hawkfish and a clown fish. They all match well in temperament so no disputes... But I need to put an aiptasia eating file fish maybe an inch in size through tank transfer as well, and he is new and alone right now in another tank.

Does anyone know if the file fish will be able to hold his own against the much bigger, semi aggro fish? Will they leave him alone as irrelevant?

I think the hawkfish harassed my goby to death a while back, but they shared the "ground turf". The file fish mostly just floats around looking like a leaf.

Does anyone have any experience with these mixed temperaments?

If it could be an issue I will have to put him through the paces separately and give him a different home while we run the other tanks fallow.


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Have 4 filefish in different tanks ... Seems that mostly filefish are ignored including in my aggressive tank with grouper, Huma Huma trigger and the same hawkfish you have ... Ignored but at feeding time holds his own.

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They don't really move/swim like other fish, so I think they seem non threatening. should be fine.
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