

New member
So I have had this "stuff" growing for a few years and was wondering if anyone knew what it was. It encrusts as it grows. Is completely smooth and very hard. Can't scratch it. It's color is brownish tan. I've taken 20 pictures and I can't even see it in the pics. It looks just like the surrounding rocks. Nothing seems to grow or attach itself to this "stuff" it's encroaching on my green slimer, I am waiting to see who wins.
Anyone ever heard of anything like this? Maybe with a word I can find it via google.
As stated. Every picture I take its impossible to see the difference were this stuff is and isnt. Wish I could post a pic.
is it lobophora?

I don't think so, but thank you for the try.

Like I said, I don't seem to be able to get any picture that is even remotely helpful. The tan "stuff" encrusts across the rocks surface, is very hard, and has no pores whatsoever, its almost as if you painted the rock with tan wall paint. However as I said, Nothing seems to grow on top of this stuff. It moves really slow. I threw some kalk paste on it and it did seem to kill it but over time it re encrusted over the portion I killed.

Its just one of those "*** is this stuff" kind of question.
I have a small spot of this also, at least I think it's what you're describing. I was just under the assumption it was a brown coralline algae. I have various colors of the stuff and I thought this was just another variation.