

stickhead n chalice freak
I am looking at getting an Octopus Briareus.....however, i have searched and searched and cannot find anything specific on careing for this species.

I want to know what size tank you would recommend and the temp. you recommend keeping him at....

If anyone knows of a link to information on them it would be greatly appreciated...

Oh and one more question.... what would be the recommended substrate to keep him on?

O. Briareus doesn't need any specific care, different from other octopuses. You are likely to find lots of care sheets on Bimac octopuses, care is the same. Tank size would be 55-75 gallons minimum, temperature 72-80 (Octopuses live longer in the colder their water is. I would not get much lower than 72 though since O. Briareus is a tropical species.). Temperature is really the only thing that would be different from Bimac care. Substrate should be fineso it doesn't damage the octopuses skin. Go to and click on articles at the top and you will find a lot of info on keeping an octopus.

Be sure you allow your tank to cycle 3 months before you add it.
thank you... My tank has been up for a couple of years... It just has been propigating mushrooms... But with my two other reef tanks I was wanting to get an octo.. I have had a pigmy before but never a larger octo.. I have been reading the sheets on Bimac's but I knew that Briareus was a tropical species so I didn't know what the differences would be...
Yup, go to and search the forums for a thread titled "Fluffy"... it's about a Briareus being currently kept by a member there.

They do get significantly larger than Bimacs. About 30 inches tip to tip.... would have more specific info.