Questions about a new tank

MO Will

Premium Member
I am thinking about upgrading to a larger tank

Either 60 x 30 x 24 or 72 x 30 x 24

A couple of questions:

How much of a difference does starphire make? Thinking about getting the starphire glass but this would certainly mean that it would have to be custom

Also, I was wondering about rimless vs. eurobraced. Is this just an aesthetic thing? I was told that euro-braced would be quite a bit cheaper because 1/2 inch glass would be adequate. Are there other reasons beyond the aesthetics to go rimless?

Thanks in advance for the replies

I just went through this processing myself. As far as the starphire goes I would go for it if you have the money. This link shows a photograph of starphire beside regular glass and the difference is remarkalbe.
You can also notice the difference in some of the threads in this forum. If you look at the pictures of the tanks before they are set up you will notice the difference in the glass when they have three sides in starphire and the back in regular glass.
I would also go for the larger of the two tank sizes. I don't think many people regret getting a larger tank.
I struggled with the rimless question as well. I think rimless is very nice but you do have to pay more. Most of the builders I spoke to wouldn't build a rimless tank in those dimensions that was 30 inches high. Also most of the same builders required 3/4 glass even for a eurobraced tank at that height and dimensions. The tank I ended up going with is 72x26x26 in 1/2 glass, which saved a lot of money. Aquarium obsessed is building it now. They had a nice bracing option were there is a four inch rim around the top of the tank but no eurobracing across the center, which leaves the tank fairly open at the top. I think this may also save the lives of a few suicidal jumping fish hopefully, and I thought it looked good as well. I'd recommend the starphire for sure and then just calling a couple tank builders and see what can be done.
Thanks for the response

I should clarify either 60 L x 30 W x 24 H or 72 L x 30 W x 24 H is the tentative plan

Either way I am leaning towards the longer tank

Does the starphire make things look less yellow? I am thinking that I want my lights to be in the blue spectrum - either 20 K MH or T5

Thorsen - did you ask AO to drill holes in the eurobracing?

Rimless tank users - is it the aesthetics or some other issues as well?

Glass has a green tint to it because of the iron in it. Starphire or low-iron glass looks clear and has blue edges to it. Also go as large as possible on your aquarium selection.
It all depends how thick the glass is.The ticker the glass the greener the tint will look.If you are going 1/2" to 3/4" I would go with saphire.Have you considered going acrylic.I chose the acrylic for clarity and its light ,also easy to drill.You do have to watch for scratches.My tank is still new so no real scratches.
Ro - Just wondering how significant the difference is - having bever seen a starphire tank in person

Steve - worried about the kids and acrylic - I have three: 7, 5, and 3
I did not ask AO to drill holes in the eurobracing although they offered. I am going to use Vortechs so it I didn't need any holes. I think there is some moderator threads in the beginners forum about glass verse acrylic. I think it is generally agreed that even without kids the acrylic will eventually and inevitably scuff. I would definitly go with glass. starphire, but if you go with 1/2 or larger the difference is noticeable.