Quick Question Post Hair algae war


New member
So i did this year long battle with some hair algae. I appear to have it beaten. So i had some armor of god palys, and some Dr Macs bright pink ones and my question is they got choked out quite abit and now that they are opening up again they are very very drab. In you guys experience will they color back up? And whats a ballpark time frame? Thanks in advance.
happened to my candy apple reds and rpe, i saw a difference in a few days to a week, they came back and were stronger than ever, gotta love the hair algae battle.
:'( my battle with cyano has taken forever...parameters all in check...finally winning though...had the same issue with mean greans...what once was a thriving colony is down to a pinch...hope they come back...
I had a 2 year battle w/ hair algae totally due to my ignorance and mis education. Mine were phosphate driven. Boy o boy what a war it was.

Congrats on your win I know how taxing on your resolve it can be. Your corals should come back but in my experience personally alot didnt. Zoas have the best chance IMO.
Congrats on your win I know how taxing on your resolve it can be. Your corals should come back but in my experience personally alot didnt. Zoas have the best chance IMO.

Thanks it was well played on both sides... lol... Oddly all the corals did ok but 2 specific zoas.... but i guess i will just give them some time....