R/O versus tap water

Hi i am having problems with my R/O unit the water is coming out with high nitrates in it. I just replaced the 3 cartridges a week ago and the membrane about 5 months ago. The only thing i could think of is my local LFS told me i could use a 75 gpd membrane instead of the 50 gpd its made for and it is shot already? Any thoughts? So i have to a water change because my nitrates are super high so can i use tap water on a FOWLER tank without issues? Been using an R/O for years and an LFS owner said it is not necessary. Thanks Tom
As long as the tap water is within typical specs, I see no reason you have to use RO for a FOWLR aquarium.

Heck, I have used tap water for reef aquariums without much of an issue in the past to be honest, and I know I am not the only one.
Depending on lighting you can get away with tap in a fish only aquarium. Problems down the line can include algae and possibly diseases. I'd try another set of filters and flush the whole RO/DI system.
so can i use tap water on a FOWLER tank without issues?

Just post a detailed analysis of your tap water and we can then answer your question..
Without that no one has any idea if you water is ok or not..

BUT... um... lets actually think here.... I know..I know who does that...:p
If your RO water is high in nitrates then you should know that your tap water is just as high if not higher.. So what is it you think is going to be better by using tap water?
Your RO system is not making nitrates in the process..

Your tap water is guaranteed to be worse than your RO water..
However it sounds like your membrane may not be seated or has somehow failed already and can easily be fixed with a new membrane.. But use the proper size and do NOT sub in a 50 when a 75GPD is needed,etc...
Just post a detailed analysis of your tap water and we can then answer your question..
Without that no one has any idea if you water is ok or not..

BUT... um... lets actually think here.... I know..I know who does that...:p
If your RO water is high in nitrates then you should know that your tap water is just as high if not higher.. So what is it you think is going to be better by using tap water?
Your RO system is not making nitrates in the process..

Your tap water is guaranteed to be worse than your RO water..
However it sounds like your membrane may not be seated or has somehow failed already and can easily be fixed with a new membrane.. But use the proper size and do NOT sub in a 50 when a 75GPD is needed,etc...

Or, to play devil's advocate here - maybe the nitrate test being used is faulty or it is user error. What is being considered "high" for the nitrate reading?

We definitely need actual parameters, otherwise we are all just guessing...
thanks for your help. Figured out that tap water has about 80 ppm nitrates in it which i find to be really high. Called water district and getting it tested. So in the mean time need a new membrane or R/O.