Rabbitfish and Bangai Cardinal aggression??


New member
Just added a blue lined rabbitfish 2 inch juvenile to my reef dank. My tank is all peaceful fish however I have noticed whenever my rabbitfish gets close to one of my bangai cardinals he'll go sideways, twitch, and touch the rabbitfish with his top fun. Anyone know what this means?
That is odd. It isn't like the cardinal has particularly threatening dorsal spines, like the rabbitfish does.
I have an angelfish that started to go sideways underneath of the new fish I added.

I'm half wondering if its a threat/submission display. There has never been any aggression between either of them, and they frequently swim near each other. Just every so often, the LaMarck goes sideways underneath and swims there a moment before straightening up. She doesn't do that to any other fish.
I have a bonded pair of bangais

That could explain it.

I have a mated/breeding pair, and could care less about any other tank inhabitants, and other inhabitants pay no attention to them.
That is unless the male is carrying eggs or fry, then the female will show aggression to anyone that comes close to the male. She won't bother anyone as long as they keep their distance.