Rainbow in the Oceans

Peter Hu you have a beautiful tank, thanks for sharing it with us. In the first two pictures, it looks like there is a rock, or something, above the water line in the center of the tank. Forgive me for asking, but it awoke my curiousity.
Peter Hu you have a beautiful tank, thanks for sharing it with us. In the first two pictures, it looks like there is a rock, or something, above the water line in the center of the tank. Forgive me for asking, but it awoke my curiousity.

I love aquascape have both underwater and out of water.
So I build this:


Thank you Tradewinds.

Peter Hu
I love aquascape have both underwater and out of water.
So I build this:


Thank you Tradewinds.

Peter Hu

It's a very interesting concept; an artistic rendition of life itself. Nicely done, good job on breaking out of the herd mentality and doing something different. :thumbsup:
It's a very interesting concept; an artistic rendition of life itself. Nicely done, good job on breaking out of the herd mentality and doing something different. :thumbsup:

Thank you for your kindly reply!
It's ture that I wanna make something different.
Not only aquascape but also the varieties of corals.

Peter Hu
I love aquascape have both underwater and out of water.
So I build this:


Thank you Tradewinds.

Peter Hu

Hello Peter,

Congrats on a very beautiful reef tank. Great looking corals
I too like that "breach" look of aquascaping. I just finished my aquascaping and I have done something similar on my new setup. I will post pics on my thread soon. It wasn't easy achieving the breach and make it look natural. I had been collecting live rock for the past 3 months with this in mind.
Great job on the scaping.

Happy Reefing!!
Hello Peter,

Congrats on a very beautiful reef tank. Great looking corals
I too like that "breach" look of aquascaping. I just finished my aquascaping and I have done something similar on my new setup. I will post pics on my thread soon. It wasn't easy achieving the breach and make it look natural. I had been collecting live rock for the past 3 months with this in mind.
Great job on the scaping.

Happy Reefing!!

Hello Reef_Noob,

It's happy to know you like my tank.
I expect to see your new setup very much.
If your tank is bigger than mine, you may have more transformation about aquascaping.

Peter Hu
Indonesia especially Makasar having beautiful plates and other coral
but so many beauty coral in here just for export and local market just got the trash
btw very nice tank Peter
where do you come from ? nice to know you
Indonesia especially Makasar having beautiful plates and other coral
but so many beauty coral in here just for export and local market just got the trash
btw very nice tank Peter
where do you come from ? nice to know you

Hi Ric,

I think you are very lucky that stay in Indonesia, the most rich place for corals and fishes.
I wish one day I can visit Indonesia, diving Makasar together with local coral collecters.

I stay in China.
More and more people here begin to keep saltwater tank.

Peter Hu