Rainbow Raptor Palys


New member
I just picked these up from a local woman that has one of the best z/p collections I've ever seen. These are some of my new favorites.

Pic kind of sucks, it's late and I spent about 30 secs taking it.

looks nice man. it looks different from my rainbow raptors(well they were sold to me as rainbow raptors lol)
The first ones are the raptors rainbows. They are zoanthids. I like them a lot as well. :) They can take on all sorts of pretty cool patterns neat pastel colors
The first ones are the raptors rainbows. They are zoanthids. I like them a lot as well. :) They can take on all sorts of pretty cool patterns neat pastel colors

Ok, stupid question, but what is the main differences between zoas and palys, I always assumed the larger polyps were palys, but from what I've been reading, that is definitely incorrect.
Mine grow ridiculously fast .Almost as fast as my mohawks. Low in the tank , medium flow, t5's and halides. Temp about 81, spot feed once a week with rods food.

Mine are one or two steps removed from the source, and grow quite fast too. When I target feed them mysis they really take off.

I also have another version from Zoacollector that is almost identical, but the tips of the tentacles are red instead of green.
You must have a hardier strain, Bella. A friend of mine also has them and they are slow as molasses.

Respectfully speaking, there is no such thing as a hardier strain. This goes back to the argument on lineage which is purely a marketing tool. Tank conditions and tank conditions alone will dictate and determine growth rate and coloration. This is evident right here in this thread. How can they grow insanely slow for one person and ridiculously fast for another and be the same polyp? If a polyp/frag or colony grows fast for one person, that doesn't mean it will grow fast, faster or at all for the next person. Many variables, including temp, salinity, tank parameters, tank maturity, lighting type, bulb, K value, age of bulbs etc will determine growth rate. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with who they came from or the strain. There is no strain, either it is what it is or it isn't. Notice picture # 1 and # 3. Both have specks in the skirts and the same coloration on the oral disc. But notice in Picture # 3 there are pink specks also in the oral disc and picture # 1 doesn't have them. It doesn't mean they aren't necessarily the same polyp, but most likely the type of lighting in the system on Picture # 3 caused a morphing affect to take place. Type of lighting alone could be the result of his rapid growth and the specks to appear on the oral disc of picture # 3 and not in picture # 1. Then again, I could be totally wrong and one macro is simply more clearer and detailed then the other.

Mucho Reef
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That was the point I was going to try to make with my "Jokers" thread. That different tank conditions result in differences in the same polyp type. I am so sick of "that's a morph of XYX" or " no that's not the ABC polyp that cost 1billion $$ because it's lacking some slight shade of color". Different tanks result in a different look to the same polyp.
Good point mucho , tank specs have everything to do with growth and color. My z's and p's grow like crazy . My tank has been running for about three years.

IMO I don't believe the coral in pic #2 is the same as #1 and #3.

That was the point I was going to try to make with my "Jokers" thread. That different tank conditions result in differences in the same polyp type. I am so sick of "that's a morph of XYX" or " no that's not the ABC polyp that cost 1billion $$ because it's lacking some slight shade of color". Different tanks result in a different look to the same polyp.

It's true whether some will agree or want to except it or not. When I see LFS, OLS and vendors stating something is a fast grower or slower grower, I cringe. It's simply another marketing tool to get your money, such as lineage, deep water zoas, limited edition, just released and new to the hobby and never seen before polyps. I regularly see "Live arrival guarantees, but you will never ever see a faster grower or growth rate guarantees as stated next to the description and high prices. This is a topic I can right a full page on.

I agree with you 100%. Names, the debating of names, ID request, macro shots and pricing have now dominated every zoa forum on the net. The fact of the matter is none of those topics will do one thing to keep your polyps happy, alive, thriving or will help your reefing keeping longevity. Does anyone want to talk about something else?

Mucho Reef
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Good point mucho , tank specs have everything to do with growth and color. My z's and p's grow like crazy . My tank has been running for about three years.

IMO I don't believe the coral in pic #2 is the same as #1 and #3.

Thanks, but there will still be dissenters who will proclaim the opposite.

I have owned both of these polyps long long before they were ever given names and you're right, picture # 2 is not the same and is dramatically different than # 1 and # 3. This is why I didn't include it in my first reply above.

Mucho Reef
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I have to admit that this is the first time that I've heard that raptors grow quickly. I originally got mine from wycombes, and he got his from EF I think. We both have trouble growing them, and we have very zoa-friendly systems, and evrything seems to grow fast except for raptors and ppe's. That's why I figured that you guys had a hardier strain. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some of those because raptor colonies look great!

Mucho, why do all of your responses turn into a soapbox rant about how you dislike this forum? You claim to want to help other hobbyists and engage in real discussions, but all we get out of you are angry diatribes. Do not quote me and use that as fodder for your strange little outbursts. There have been many rainbow colonies that have been pulled out of the ocean and aquacultured, and I cannot say if mine is a direct decendent of raptor's, but I was told that it was and it looks exactly like them.
Here is a pic of when first got mine....like hours after they showed up. They came directly from Alex.

I am only posting the pic as they look quite different yet in it to go along with what Crazy said. I kind of liked them for the uniqueness....especially that peach color. Although I will not deny that they look best when they appear more like in Bellas pic.
