

New member
So I have recently started adding fish to my new tank and being carful to get very good looking fish. I have not added any aggressive fish and everyone is fat, healthy, and eating like pigs.

Well today my wife noticed that the new tang I have added looked a little ichy. Then noticed that my wrasse was also not looking good. Well not the tang did not make it as of 10 mins ago.

I know everyone will say you should set up a QT and and QT every fish, but honestly how many people really do this for fish?

Just supper frustrating now I have to get EVERYONE out of my display and go fishless for the recommended time to rid the ich. Things like this really make me question why I am in this hobby sometimes.
I know how you feel buddy, I had an ich outbreak that killed almost 400 bucks worth of fish. I had to set up a quarantine tank and now quarantine new fish with copper for several days. I haven't purchased any new corals or inverts because I havent figured a way to ensure they are free of any chance of carrying any ich cysts over with them.
I quarantine my fish, but sometimes I don't and get lucky..or not. Some things like quarantining can be frustrating but the end result, done properly, is very satisfying.
I skipped QT for this tank. Since everyone is looking good, including the powder blue, I'm scared to add more fish. I don't want to get him stressed and cause an outbreak.
There are a few reef safe options available. Kick Ich paired with Rally. Opinions vary and it's expensive, but it worked for me before. Or rather, I medicated with it before I saw any signs of illness and I never had an outbreak in that tank, which ran for several years. However, that's only my experience. Maybe the fish weren't exposed to begin with, but I think that's extremely unlikely.

Now I quarantine, but I always dip the fish in 2 part Safety Stop first. Since I've started doing that, I haven't seen any signs of disease in quarantine.
They carry prodibio (not spelled right) medications at coral corral. I believe the ich medication is reef safe....it worked on my puffers.....and I had some zoas n shrooms n shrimp in that tank......u sold try it.
Nate, That sucks man :(

I must say that I have been very lucky over the years that all of my fish have always been healthy. I think I can attribute a lot of my good fortune to FAOIS. 95% of my fish have come from them over the years and I know John has a strict quarantine regime on new fish. I have been to other LFS's and seen fish with obvious signs of disease in their tanks actively for sale.

Yea that sucks man... I have battled ich on and off many times .... I lost like 8 fish once from it like 3 years back and went fishless but over time I got it again...

It got bad again like 1 year ago so I got a UV sterilizer and since then I have not lost many fish. There are time a fish will get the ich but they are able to fight it off with the help of the uv when before they prob wouldn't have.

I haven't had ich for a good 3 months and the only reason I got it was cause I got a fish infested with ich from a store but due to no lighting over the tank you couldn't tell at all until I put it in my tank and it was covered bad.

Sure enough like 6 fish ended up with it but all were able to kick it and all are good now including the one who brought it into the tank
I'm new to this and have been nervous to add any new fish because of stories like this one. Sorry to hear it happened to you.
Little Help

Little Help

I've battled with ick in the past. What has worked well for me is the following:

1. Crush a few cloves of fresh garlic....always have this on hand for cooking
2. Place in a little container with tank water.
3. Add a few cubes of mysis - amount would vary pending amount of fish
4. Place in fridge overnight so the mysis suck up garlic juice
5. User a littler baster to suck up the tank water with mysis.
6. Feed fish.

I keep the cloves in the container and just add new mysis and tank water and place back into the fridge for the next day's feeding. Within a week and half or so the issue is resolved.

Not only do the fish eat like no tomorrow; it's a cheap method to assist in battling this parasite without adding a chemical that can cause additional stress to both the fish and corals.
Biosecurity. Find a LFS that quarantines, only buy your fish from them. They should be offering net-caught cyanide free fish only. If they dont "know" , then i wouldnt support them. Buying net-caught only fish that are properly quarantined will not only save your reef fish, but generations in the wild by supporting good harvesting techniques.

Good luck, sometimes with few hours your tank could be empty.

Also check over water quality and temp to make sure everything is in check.
I had to set up a quarantine tank and now quarantine new fish with copper for several days.

I recommend two weeks in copper QT. Kudos to you for setting up a QT though, it's the only way to really be sure (says the guy that doesn't QT at home).