rare colored clams


New member
I have seen green, blue, brown, purple and tear drop pattern clams but are there any other rare clams colors out there such as black or orange?
there are black & white maximas out there..but i have yet to see a pure black clam. never seen an orange one.

i have a gold/brown teardrop that has a thin yellow rim. kinda cool.
Black Max can be really nice.

I have'nt seen many real black colored, usually the "black" is kinda dark purple, dark blue or dark brown.
My old LFS said he had the oppertunity to buy a black clam with a red rim but it was smuggled in so he was scared to get it. I would have taken the chance.
They don't exist--that was the news flash from the Red Sea in the early 90's when specimens were abuntantly being collected from the RedSea:rolleyes: Bob
After few hundreds dives in the Red Sea, I cant see why you guys always talk about Red Sea Max, I mean , they are very nice, but the ones coming from some islands in the Pacific are much nicer.
Red Sea is the place for fish.
I have one with orange in the center. I've also seen some nice blues with fire orange rims. Yellow/blue I've seen too and its very nice as well.