Rasta Zoanthids No growing...

Question Guys and girls; I purchased four Polyps Rastas about 4 weeks ago. Now it looks like I only have (3) and they're just not growing. They open during lights on...but nothing spectacular. I have them about half way to the top under 150W 14K MH (not right under but to the side.) They are in a decent current area...but not being blasted.

Everything else looks great in the tank..these are my first Zoanthids so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

8 dhk
480 Cal
0 PO4
0 NO3
0 AM
1160 Mag
8.1 PH
.026 Salinity

Thanks for reading!!
My rastas grow very very very slow. They also do not like to be moved around. As long as they are in the same spot they seem to be happy. They are on the bottom of the tank with medium water flow. I have a 120g reef. I use a suntek t5 lighting system. I know this doesn't answer your question but these are the experiences I have had with them.
OK thanks for the reply. I think they just need some time. I expecting to have maybe an additional polyp by now but if they're really slow growers it may take some months.

When they are open they do look awesome!!!!

I actually gave away a big colony after it covered a softball size of live rock. We had no room for it in our 20g tank. In my experience they grow pretty fast.
I actually gave away a big colony after it covered a softball size of live rock. We had no room for it in our 20g tank. In my experience they grow pretty fast.

Thanks; I might give them a try as well. I want to get about 5 different species of Zoanthids and cover the large rock the rastas are residing on.
Give them room to start, trust me the growth is exponential on zoas. Space will allow them to spread out and you won't have an all out battle on your hands.
Give them room to start, trust me the growth is exponential on zoas. Space will allow them to spread out and you won't have an all out battle on your hands.

Interesting point....I was thinking of taking many of our zoo's and arranging them on the substrate or large piece of shelf rock. If I place all the frags close to one another, what would happen?
Interesting point....I was thinking of taking many of our zoo's and arranging them on the substrate or large piece of shelf rock. If I place all the frags close to one another, what would happen?

That's what I have planned as well. I'm interested to see if it will work ........
Interesting point....I was thinking of taking many of our zoo's and arranging them on the substrate or large piece of shelf rock. If I place all the frags close to one another, what would happen?

They will bunch together and some of the more prolific will out compete others for light food ect.
Mine started at 5 polyps and was at 11 in a months time and now have been at 11 polyps for 3 weeks with no changes in tank conditions. They got a mind of their own :lol:
You could bring your Mg a little higher, say 1350.
And try to forget them for a while.
You'll be surprised of how much that will make them grow. :D
