RBTA Split!


Active member
I've only had my RBTA about 2-3 mos but he split today.

My question is, when they split, is that always a good thing? Or can it mean something bad? Stress, etc?
To my knowledge, they can split because they are stressed. If there is too much flow, too much light, or possibly they are just getting too big.

It may not always be a bad thing though. Your parameters are normal, right?
Yup. Params normal and he is pretty small. Both pieces are about baseball size.

But too much flow could be a reason as he is right in line with an MP10 albeit it on the other side of the tank. That said, the tank isonly 2ft wide.

He's been there though ever since I put it in and today was the first time I ever really saw it move. Next thing I know, there's two of them!
Many people claim that a BTA will split only when it is not happy. That is not the case. A BTA will split for many reasons, some of which are; injuries, a rapid change in flow, lighting or water parameters, or another important reason they split is natural propagation. This is how nature intended them to multiply. Your BTA could have split for any of the reasons but as long as they remain healthy, I would not be overly concerned. I would just enjoy watching nature at work.
Congrats! It must be pretty cool to see. Got pics? I have two nems, an RBTA and an LTA, both pretty good size now but have never split. I guess they're comfortable not splitting... :fun2:
Many people claim that a BTA will split only when it is not happy. That is not the case. A BTA will split for many reasons, some of which are; injuries, a rapid change in flow, lighting or water parameters, or another important reason they split is natural propagation. This is how nature intended them to multiply. Your BTA could have split for any of the reasons but as long as they remain healthy, I would not be overly concerned. I would just enjoy watching nature at work.

Cool. Good to hear and thanks!

Congrats! It must be pretty cool to see. Got pics? I have two nems, an RBTA and an LTA, both pretty good size now but have never split. I guess they're comfortable not splitting... :fun2:

The mother colony is the one to the right. It looks healthy. The one to the left didn't bubble up today but it has been moving a bit so I think it's still looking for solid footing.

yup its awesome. My split hasnt been doing to well though and it keeps moving closer to the mother nem. Any ideas?