RC name decoder

Reefdiver77 = Vicki Moore
30 gal mixed reef up and going 7 1/2 years

3 gal reef with LR, softies and sexy shrimp. Up and going 5 years.

30 gal cube Reef Ready. Custom sump made by Barrett. Up 4 weeks. Just waiting for cycle and then will add livestock from older mixed reef. Currently only hermit crabs.

Charter Member of WTMRAC and also a member of JARC.
I had been hesitant to post here or to put names on the website out of privacy concerns. We weren't sure whether people wanted their real name out on the Internet. Some people like privacy. I can make a page on the website, but please PM me if you have any concerns or would like your name left off. Thanks
Jay: Maybe give everyone a couple of weeks to put their name out here, and then we can summarize the names to one convenient list. Those that don't post here for privacy reasons can be left off.

They also can just give their first names, or make up first names so we at least know what to call them versus some of the crazy names that are out there. It is just hard to say "hey Mr. Ladycharmer, or Ms. FeelmeUp, nice coral".........
Okay, I will steal my own post.....what is the craziest RC names you have seen? I just took a peek at the main website and saw:

Big Barnacles
Toxic Slurpee
username in use
chin in a box
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keaton-Pam Irving (Keaton's mom)
When Keaton went away to college, he left me with the 150 gal mixed reef to tend...mostly I lurk on the forum. It seemed easiest to assume his avatar back then because folks knew him and his system, now it's just sorta weird and awkward, lol. I try to check in every week or two.
Granny Bj ...Betty Jane (BJ) Sparrow
90 gallon mixed reef with a custom sump built by Barrett
8 gallon nano "nursery" where I drop all my frags of sarcophyton and mushrooms and zoas until they are ready to trade
I live in West Point , Mississippi
jlpropst00 - Jonathan Propst
I'm new...to the club and saltwater. I met a few of you at the last meeting and hope to meet some more at the frag swap. I'm pretty excited about the frag swap even though my tank is slow coming and won't be ready for corals by then.
jlpropst00 - Jonathan Propst
I'm new...to the club and saltwater. I met a few of you at the last meeting and hope to meet some more at the frag swap. I'm pretty excited about the frag swap even though my tank is slow coming and won't be ready for corals by then.

Last year I had just set up my new tank the weekend of the frag swap, just in time to buy something st the swap. Ha
sucker fish = jeromy clayton, but he goes by clayton (military thing)

After I think we have most members that want to reveal themselves on here, I will post a clean new thread with the summary so we won't have to scroll through the various posts to find names.
PensFan05+ = Chris ????

I have bought a lot of zoas from Chris, but he has been lying low lately. Chris, I see your name as on line....what's going on in your tank world???
You are correct Jay, it is Chris Fuller.

Chris, I see you have a table. How about some pics and some legal pre-swap deals!
Okay, I guess eveyone that wanted to post has posted, so I will summarize to make it easier to do a lookup and put in a new thread. Will call it WTMAC Decoder. Thanks everyone..