rc names vs real names


New member
If is hard for me to keep real names vs RC names straight. I wanted to see if we could post both here and maybe Ryan could post the update on the club web page.
What about a club roster that is passed out at a meeting with phone numbers if you wanted your number given out. If you want a club roster handed out just pm me your info name rc name and # and we'll see about getting those printed for a future meeting.

Glitzyone-Malisa Klug
Cathy has a good bit of that info already but it is always good to keep it updated.

SPerry = Scott Perry
I've been trying to catch people's RC name and enter it in the Member Records. When people sign in for the meetings, if they can give me that info, I can add it.

Maybe we can put a box on the membership registration form that people fill out to join that asks whether or not the person minds if their contact information is distributed to the rest of the club. I definitely think you have to give people the option to opt in or out before you distribute their info.
MrRyanT - Ryan Burchfiel

I will gladly post that info on the website if and when someone gets it to me.
rendos - Richard Rendos
cateyes - Lisa Rendos
MrRyanT - Ryan Burchfiel
joeycadre - Joey Mullinix
nam2212 - Nick Moore
Del123 - Del Weaver
Doris M - Doris McLemore
DrPeaches - Steve Palmer
just dave - David Cook
grannybj - BJ Yancey
Reefdiver77 - Vicki Moore
aharvey - Andy Harvey

I know there are more...but that is a start.
crpeck = Cathy Peck. My middle initial is .... you'd never guess ...... YES .... "R"

Yeesh. I may have to surprise everyone and come up with a creative new RC handle.
I think that I now have the list of members updated on the website according to who posted here and according to the list of members that I have. Just pm me if I missed you or if you want other info posted with your name on the site. Thanks.