Really specific question about contamination.


New member
I used to work construction. So a lot of the building materials I know a lot about. But. Does n e 1 know if wet drywall mud is inert? If not what contaminants should I be worried about?
Incase n e 1 is wondering. It's a 265 and the bit that dropped in was about the size of a big pea. But it went into a hole in a rock so I can't get it out. Unless I try n remove the rock. Which could be very hard as it's the bottom bottom of the stack. It was wer mud. Not sure if it will harden in saltwater so any onsite is welcome. And yes I know I'm an idiot. Lol
I couldn't get it out with a hose...maybe it's not in there n e more ..the morning after 1 of my yellow pilot fish was dead in the bottom of the tank tail up...I wonder if he was able to get it out of the rock and eat it. I couldn't duck it out with tubing so I didnt think a fish could....