Rebooting system and need some advice


New member
I've currently got a 40b peninsula. I tried my hand at a foam rock wall, and it appears to have failed after about 10 months of running. The tank is infested with Dino's, and the wall has become more problem than it's worth. During the reboot, all the rock will be bleached, scrubbed, and cleaned. Sand will be discarded and all equipment being re-used will be cleaned thoroughly.

I am going to be swapping my 20g sump for a Eshopps r-100. These sumps are designed to use Sicce return pumps. My current setup is utilizing 2 Mag5 return pumps, with all 1/2" plumbing and roughly 7' of head. This yields about 10x turnover, but i am not getting anywhere near the surface skimming required. The overflow box is rated for 700gph, so I'm thinking i should be going for more like a 600-650gph return.

In the display (behind the foam wall) i have 2 RW-4 powerheads running at maximum power, on a 2-3 second alternating interval. I feel that with the wall removed, the flow from these will be more noticeable.

I am seeking advice. I don't know how to make the peninsula layout work, and still keep the powerheads on the back wall. I am also needing advice on a return pump, and flow rates. BRS says i should be in the 2x-5x range, yet I'm calculating the need for a 15x17x turnover.

The tank will primarily house zoas, and other simple corals.

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For zoas and softies, power heads on the back wall should be just fine for flow.

You could also try a gyre style pump on the far end.

Aquascaping peninsulas can be hard, but a line of rock down the middle that is very high and has holes, arches, and caves throughout works best. Best acheived using putty or zip ties to permanently affix rocks together.

Otherwise, looks like you have everything under control. Good move not re-using sand and definitely be sure to clean equipment as you go. I like to use a large tub and just toss all of my equipment in there overnight together in as strong a vinegar solution as I can.

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This is the current scape layout, and will be the basis for the new layout. Right down the middle. Tank is viewed from this side (couch) or the opposing side (recliner)


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I want to avoid putting any pumps or returns anywhere other than the back wall. This is why I feel like more flow from the return pump will do nicely.

I could be completely wrong, and powerheads opposite the overflow may be necessary, but i hope that's not the case.

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Are you sure it’s Dino’s it looks more like diatoms which aren’t a problem and will probably go away with time.
I have a 40b peninsula style. I use one MP40 on the back wall and it creates a lot of flow. You have to mess around with placement to prevent the sand bed from blowing around. If I had to do it over I'd use 2 mp10s instead of the one 40.