rebuild 48G SPS tank. Advice on DSB or not?


New member
I am rebuilding a 36"x18"x18" tank for SPS. As it is only 18" tall, going a 4" DSB will limit the growth space. Should I go for a BB or just 1" sandbed for decorative purpose? I need your advices or show me your success SPS tank with no DSB.
This is a big topic, i say go wtih a DSB and have some critters to stir it up, bu there are many who believe in barebottom.
I say go barebottom...why have a tank with only 12" of viewable space?

Plus barebottom is just so much better...:D j/k

What should I pay attention to keep a successful barebottom SPS tank? A larger of live rock to tank ratio? A much stronger flow? An overkilled skimmer?

I like sandbed as it looks more nature and aesthetically. And so I prefer a shallow sandbed. Caribsea claimed its aragonite sand allows denitrification as little as 1" depth. Is it a good compromise between DSB and BB?
1" sandbed (b.c. BB just looks plain ugly) for successful SPS tank go with strong flow, overkilled skimmer, good water quality (high calcium and good Alk.)
Bottomline: you will receive votes for both systems plus a few more. Eventually, certain people will show up and violently defend their preferred method, and it could get nasty around page 3 or 4. :D

The only answer to your question is that there is TONS of information on both methods here. Research all of them and choose which you feel would work best for you. Keep in mind that much of the information you read will be opinion with a bit of urban myth thrown in. Even the "experts" disagree a lot and today's "only way to run" is tomorrow's "what were we thinking?".

Good luck, stay objective. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6661267#post6661267 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ccyflai
What should I pay attention to keep a successful barebottom SPS tank? A larger of live rock to tank ratio? A much stronger flow? An overkilled skimmer?

BB is a very simple idea, keep it clean,....

To do this, aim for around 80-120 X intank flow, using things like penductors, seios, or streams.

Add a skimmer that is simply huge.

Cook your rock.

Keep your LR stacked loosly to alow flow to go around and between all the rocks.

Blow off your rocks with a turkey baster or powerhead to keep them clean, this becomes less nessesary as the tank matures.

I personaly beleave that SSB is only a good alternitive if you REGULARLY syphon the deatris that builds up in the sandbed. A SSB does not have the microfauna required to keep it clean, or the anarobic areas to denitrify so you need to do this part yourself.

Myself I think DSB or BB are better choices, and I am of course partal to BB for any sps tank.

I have a Tunze Stream 6000 but not installed yet. I also planned a close loop with SCWD on a Eheim 1262. That will be new flow setup after rebuild. But I am worried there will be sand storm with sandbed. Going BB seems to be problem-free with this flow setup.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6662768#post6662768 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by PUGroyale
Plenum :lol:

... just to be contrary :D

Reverse UGF, for the same reason. You and PaulB will be the only 2 on this sight with one:D .

Reverse UGF, for the same reason. You and PaulB will be the only 2 on this sight with one .

Don't get one of those. Your tank will crash immediately.
Paul B
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6662768#post6662768 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by PUGroyale
Plenum :lol:

... just to be contrary :D
6yrs. old PLENUM:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :hammer:
What have you had good success with before?

IMO, do that.

If you have found success with a method, why not do the same? As is evident here, even people with a plenum can have drool-worthy tanks. :thumbsup:

If you haven't had success, what methods? Your take on why?
IMO, different methods are suited to different reefkeepers, their livestock, and their practices/equipment.

While a DSB might not be aesthetically a bummer to lose space - if you've had success, good growth, and nice colored corals with it before - I'd rather look at that than 4" more of not as nice tank/coral.