Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Still looking at this weekend to put the 180 up in the house. I have the external overflow done and bulkheads in and ready to go. I haven't glued any of the piping on the inside to the bulk heads and don't think I'll have to. So I can easily modify as needed or swap around the roles periodically.


Tomorrow is the day. But today I got in the SRO-3000sss skimmer and hooked up. Wow, I love it already. I didn't realize that everything could come apart really easily so cleaning should be a cinch. The thing is pretty big but fits in the sump really well. I have it sitting at about 6.5" in the water sitting on a stand.

just opening the box

Put together and compared against the sc-150 and a 5gal bucket of IO.

Starting the break in

Notice the bowl? This thing not only pulls a lot of air but moves a lot of water too. The exit of the gate valve is above the water and it just shoots out so fast it splashes everywhere. I have seen a T adapter mod on these and will probably do the same for the long run but for now I just slaped that bown to the side of it.
Lots happening today. Started off with breaking down the old tank and getting the livestock and rock into temporary homes. Really glad I setup a temp tank instead of just bagging everything since today really stretched out longer then expected and I'm still not 100% done yet.


After breaking everything down got new laminate flooring in place where the new tank is being setup to start with.


After the flooring was done the new stand and tank could be brought in but there was a little issue in that bringing in the new tank while standing next to a corner we accidental bumped up against it and broke the back of the rear overflow. Luckily it wasn't the tank and luckily it was just the back glass and is the only piece I have to fix. That will be a few days until I can get the glass cut.


But after getting that cleaned up and ready for repair we got everything in place. Had to do a little shimming under the stand but all is level now.


Then hit the second problem of the day hit. Our son hasn't been feeling very well and has had a lot of sinus drainage and started puking it all up this afternoon. After taking care of him the rest of the afternoon it was time to get the tank filled up. I got the rock in including the new Pukani dry rock I got a while back. I love that stuff and think I got a nice cave structure created. We'll see once everything is filled up and turned on.


While waiting for more salt to mix up I was able to install the lights and start hanging up the power strips.

Front is a 48" 50/50 reefbrite, middle 2x36" 50/50 reebrites w/ lenses, and rear is a 48" all blue reefbrite. Don't know what it look like yet but imagine I'll need some more lights eventually. Also, installed are the little modular moon lights I think from coralvue. I really like them and will get a few more as well.


Still have a lot more organizing left but it's a start.

I still have more salt to mix, fix the external overflow, and finish the plumbing to the overflow. I'm off to add in fish and other inhabitants.
As far as I can tell I've had zero deaths. Only thing I haven't seen today is the pistol shrimp and probably wont for a while assuming he survived the move after putting him in the new tank. I got some more pics I'll have to post tomorrow now that I have the canopy on with the lights going. It looks awesome so far and really liking the all LEDs. It is more blue then before and that is almost all the camera captures.
Here's a few pictures of the new tank. I can't really fill it up much more then this as I still have to fix the external overflow. I also still need to arrange the rest of the rocks but I'm pretty happy with the new pukani rock structure I put together.

All pictures are with the 48" 50/50 and 48" all blue reefbrites. The 2x36" 50/50 reefbrites were not on. The camera really pulls out the blues


New rock work and a Dragon my son really really wanted in the tank. I normally HATE cheesy deco stuff but this one wasn't too bad luckily. I will move it someplace else. It's funny to watch him though as he goes up to the tank and ROARS at the dragon every time.


Now that I got to see the moon lights on last night and this morning I actually think I'm ok with what I already had amazingly. For the main lights I think I want one more reefbrite strip and should be good to grow what ever I need. Don't even think I will need their new brighter ones either. I'm surprised how much spread the 48" strips cover. I'm thinking another 50/50 or all white. Definitely not another all blue.
Crazy! I just found a tiny brittle star in my sump. As long as he stays down there he's welcome. But if I find any in the main display they'll be evicted. I'm surprised to find it though with no new additions besides dry rock and sand.
Everyone is now accounted for. Found the tiger pistol shrimp has gathered every shell I decided to keep and made a cave entrance with them. Of course its in the rear of the tank.

The SRO3000sss is getting broken in running the in the sump. I was able to fit a 2" sanitary T. I had to sand down the inside of the T a bit to fit over the gate valve. But it's not rushing out and splashing everywhere now. I also lowered the skimmer a bit to about 7" of water now to see how it runs there.


Worked on the new flooring yesterday and got it all done. Rearranged and put things back in there place today. The floor and wall colors look great together along with the tank. And I just love the blue background now as it really does stand out and make it a crisp look.

Now that I've got the tank setup and imagining how I'll have my rock work setup I've been thinking about the fish list again and have revised it a bit again. I've actually revised it several times since the last time I posted a planned fish list but this one is again a set of fish I think I'll be really happy with in my tank. I want to be as reefsafe as possible so that throws out a copper banded butterfly and flame angel that I really like. I also don't want HUGE fish so that throws out most all tangs even the chevron or tennenti. I got to see an A. tennenti fully grown pushing 10-11" and wow it was an amazing fish. Then I imagined it in my 180 and just didn't want to go that route anymore.

So here's my revised revised revised revised revised...etc. planned fish list and approximate order I will be adding them.

Already Have:
1 yellow watchman goby paired with tiger pistol shrimp
1 false perc
1 starry blenny
2 kauderni cardinals
1 sharknose goby
1 Magnificent foxface

Plan to get
1 male Blue Star Leopard Wrasse (actively waiting for one to show up on DD)
2 redtail flasher wrasses
1 blue spot jawfish
1 Tomini tang
2 Bellus angel fish
1 Fathead Sunburst Anthias
2 redhead solon fair wrasses
3 Ignitus Pseudanthias

I got the new plate glass on to patch the back. So, now to let that cure. I still at some point need to get the plumbing done. I so can't wait for this to be over and pray I don't have a leak.
I worked on the plumbing in the basement going into the sump. I'll have to try and work on the plumbing up by the tank tomorrow night.

You can see the return far left next to the wall. Then the two with a valve runs can be swapped between being the open and full siphon and up in the overflow coordinate between the far left and far right. The middle with just a union is the emergancy that also goes up to the middle in the overflow.
I'm getting a little more progress done. I have the plumbing all done up stairs as well. Going to give the silicone another day or so to cure as I put in on pretty thick on the inside. So close...