Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Read through the whole thread. Glad things are kinda working out for you! ever consider going nano in size? what do you consider to be the most challenging/frustrating part of maintaining your system besides not being there constantly?

Read through the whole thread. Glad things are kinda working out for you! ever consider going nano in size? what do you consider to be the most challenging/frustrating part of maintaining your system besides not being there constantly?


Thanks. Funny thing you mentioned going nano. I just posted my mantis tank setup in this thread

I guess I'm about to be able to fit into both extreme's defined by reefcentral with the 20g long as a nano and the 180g as a large.

Most frustrating part of maintaining my system? I guess that would basically not being able to watch and enjoy it 24x7. I tried to keep things as easy as possible.

My tank pretty much runs on
-weekly water changes
-a skimmer (clean the cup out during water change)
- carbon dosing (swap out the jug of vinegar which I haven't had to do yet so don't know when I will have to)
-RUGF (will probably have to clean it out in 20 years)
- kalk in the ATO ( I just dump a bunch in when I fill it back up with ro/di about once a month).

I don't really do anything else besides run a magfloat on the glass every once in a while. I use a reef keeper light to do the dosing of the ATO and carbon, when the lights turn on, and put the return pump on standby when the fish need fed. Then I also have a ranco temp controller for the heater.

Once the 180 is up I will move the RUGF into the sump, get a bigger skimmer, and more reefbright LED lights. That's about it everything else will remain the same.
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guess I can post it here as it's a pretty nice recap of the mantis tank from begining to now. So, with a little copy and paste magic here it is in this thread:

Here's my 20L mantis tank setup.

First getting setup in the living room in a nook and cranny I had open under a book case. Pukani dry rock and australian gold sand.

Needed the top tightly covered for the mantis but wanted to grow some softies so I gutted the t8 light hood and retro fitted in a reefbright blue/white LED with a ecoxotic uv stunner and LOVE the combo!


Just the stunners on

both on

Many many Months later FTS. Using a koralia nano and a current subcurrent filter for current and filtration along with weekly water changes. I got the white pompom xenia as a small single shoot and a single rock of zoa's and you can see they have really taken off.

Love the xenia but no way would I want it in my bigger DT

Some crazy name zoa and some pollyp
What it started out as

and Now

part 1 due to image limits/post.
Getting things started off with the fish purchases. Picking up a nice Magnificent Foxface (Siganus magnificus) today after work. I've been watching it for several weeks now at a LFS and I'm getting closer and closer to getting the 180 done. I'll put him in QT and by the time he's done with that the 180 should be ready! :bounce2:
In the mean time back on the 55g tank... practically all my hair algae is gone! It is starting to look so bare and my clown fish looks ****ed off as he loved hosting it. I do have a small bit of a cyano outbreak but nothing major and most likely because of the major reduction in the GHA. I haven't changed anything so I imagine that its all still part of the carbon dosing and small amount of bio pellets I have left. I probably have a higher ratio of phosphates to nitrates now also explaining the cyano which they seem better at consuming the phosphates compared to algae. I'll try and get some pictures tonight.

Good timing too as I will probably be putting the 180 up not this weekend but the next one.
Here's the updated tank shots and probably the last of the 55g before its replaced.

Total lack of GHA is surprising and you can see some cyano

I have a critical decision to make. Blue or black. I have black right now on the 55 and like it but wondering if I wouldn't like blue better on the 180.
I like a real dark blue color - went with Valspar Satin Indigo Streamer on the last 75g I put together

Thanks for the input. Glad to see you're still dropping in. I'm surprised. :wave:

I really think I'm leaning toward blue for this one. Mainly because the stand and canopy are black and I think a blue background would really make it pop.
Here's the updated tank shots and probably the last of the 55g before its replaced.

Total lack of GHA is surprising and you can see some cyano


Maybe you can't see... wow didn't realize how small the pictures are when hosted by tapatalk. Lets try this again...

Left side where the most of the few small patches are at

Right side doesn't really have any.
Finally got around to drilling the holes and putting together the external overflow for the beananimal style setup.

It was nerve wracking drilling the holes and hope to not break the glass.

Here's the silicone I've been using.
Thanks for the input. Glad to see you're still dropping in. I'm surprised. :wave:

I really think I'm leaning toward blue for this one. Mainly because the stand and canopy are black and I think a blue background would really make it pop.

Got to check in and see how things are going, it's been quite the trip so far, keep it up.
I have the external overflow on and ready to go.

Early Christmas present to myself all wrapped up...

Ready to paint
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I should be getting my SRO-3000sss in by the end of the week. A new LFS just opened up recently and are distributors of coralvue. Which is great and they can price match online which is awesome. Looking forward to that beast. I really like the bubbleblaster skimmer pumps. They can move a lot of water and air.

Also don't remember if I posted in this thread but I found someone down grading from a 180g and was looking to trade 2 Tunze 6105s for 2 6055s! So have those now and ready to go for the 180.