Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

And here he is going in for some

updated the Dino's thread but not here. Here's the most current picture of my dino problem area that's just about dino free now

This new nylon mesh has been doing a fantastic job and hasn't slowed down one bit so far. It's got some detritus but because the nylon stringing is thinner then the plastic mesh it doesn't seem to have hindered the flow at all.


Notice the cleaner area. That right now has been self cleaned off with the gyre in reverse mode right now. That is right now the intake but later will be the outgoing flow. As I have it programmed to alternate approximately every 6 hours in timing with the moon offset for tides. So it is changed or pushed back about 45 minutes everyday when it changes direction. Also it ramps up and down in intensity/speed too with those changes in direction.
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I finally got around to moving the CO2 scrubber hooked up to the skimmer above the waterline and skimmer air intake. This way when the line that is shoved into the top of the swabbie lid starts sucking in foam or water its all going to go down the airline to the pump shutting it down and not have some of it go into the reactor.

The Aquamaxx EM300 has been super stable and consistent so I haven't had that issue yet but I did manually test it out. I plugged up my collection cup drain (mainly what I'm most worried about having happen) and closed the skimmers outlet flooding the collection cup. Some of the water and foam went down the air line to the CO2 scrubber. Not a good thing. Moved it up and tested again. No problems.

I bought a very nifty syringe today. It's for my son and daughter that wants to help do some water tests. I found it at Walmart and you twist the top plunger you pull back to 4 different settings and it will only let you pull back that far. The measurement settings are 2.5ml, 5ml, 7.5ml, and 10ml.

The 5 and the 10ml I use quite a bit between the API calcium and Alk kits and the 10 ml with the Hanna ULR 736 Checker. This will be super easy for them to pull the right amount every time and I'm going to use it too as its just set and pull. I never trust the line on the vials and have always drawn the water to be tested with a syringe.

By Acu-life health enterprises.


Recent Triton results are in.




So it went from zinc being a concern to now tin. Not sure I actually have that much tin. No idea how it could have gone up like that in a month. The only thing that's been added was the Iodide and Strontium/Molybdenum supplements for 3 days before the samples were taken. I would hope neither of those two supplements would have tin in them.
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I figure I'll do nothing again. Beyond what I normally do that is.


I'd say it's done for now. Probably see it again in another 5-10 years when I mess something up. I didn't touch it, siphon it, blow on it, or give it any kisses. Just left it alone and kept up with normal maintanence. Some detritus left but the pods will like that so I'll leave it for them.

I did a quick simple mod to my Davey Jones Locker. Drilled a quick hole and placed into it an old mj1200 I had laying around and plugged it into an Apex controlled outlet.

Now when my Apex alerts me my locker is full I can turn on the mj1200 for a couple seconds and back off and it starts a siphon into the floor drain next to it. Now I can be even lazier.

It looks like I have successfully paired up my bangaii cardinal. Now to get them breeding. But that's the easy part. You just have to feed them enough.

Found him. My starfish plays hide and seek. I get glimpses of it and next thing I know I don't see it again for at least another week. I have no idea if I have two still or just the one.


Steal away. Most of my ideas are from reading how others have done things on here or articles. PaulB and Randy Holmes-Farley are probably two of my biggest influences. Many others on this forum as well. Particularly the Chemistry forum like bertoni, boomer, TMZ, and disc1 among others. Steve is a great source of knowledge in the fish sections. I cant spell his screenname, snorvich or something like that. Mojo was great for skimmer and equipment knowledge. Turbo Floyd recently has been a huge help with my algae turf scrubber I got from him earlier this year. Slief, d2mini, and several others for tank setup and equipment. Just so many great resources on this site. No idea what happen to water keeper.