Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Looks worse in this picture but in person the Dinos are looking pretty pathetic.

And this happened earlier tonight. Write up to come and will link the thread when that happens sometime tomorrow.

Various test kits vs. Triton vs. AWT


Veegee refractometer says slightly over 34ppt




Somewhere between 0 and 0.024

Missed uploading this one last night. Took the pic when I grabbed the AWT and Triton water samples. Will get to the write later
Updated my critter gaurd thread for the maxspect gyre with this ....

Version 2 more flow

The 7 mesh I think is the ultimate in protection, allowing decent amount of flow through, and less maintanence then foam.

But it certainly does impact flow. If not using alternating mode you can cut out the forward flow grate area and that increases some flow. But using alternating mode you can't do that with out creating risk.

Gutter gaurd is great for wiers and overflow protection but the holes are pretty big and with spinning blades behind it I see a sucked in anemone getting torn up still. I want something between the 7 mesh and gutter gaurd. Something that doesn't introduce to much risk but still allows near full flow.

I've been looking for something like a black plastic 5 mesh. That's proven to be a challenge. I was also thinking about using gutter gaurd and weaving a black nylon thread through it. I still think that might work but the holes may still be fairly large.

A post of a mesh bag holding some garlic sparked the idea of finding some black mesh I know I've got around the house. You can find them for things like laundry holders, beach bags, hats, etc.

I found this bag we use for traveling and holding whatever stuff my wife put in it. (don't tell the wife...)


It's holes are slightly bigger then the 7 mesh but much smaller then the gutter gaurd. Its also a nylon mesh and the mesh is also thinner then the plastic 7 mesh so between the hole size and thinness I figured it should allow a lot more flow through it yet still provide protection. I could see slightly more damage with this in place over the 7 mesh but not total carnage. Maybe a few tentacles ripped off. Only way to know is when it happens. I hope to never have it tested. But I'm thinking its a balance between protection and flow.
Sizing difference.

7 mesh

Nylon bag mesh

Then I decided to sew it together instead of zipties. And it looks really clean.





And it slides right off and back on

Both sides done

Now I have to find two more of those bags. One for the other gyre I have. And the other for the wife...
Sometimes my phone or Google I guess automatically adds effects to photos I've taken. Here's a couple of my anemones.


Close up of my smallest one. It's got a lot of double bubbles right now.


And this bigger one has a lot of mutant tentacles
I'm not sure how much of that I can trust. Some of it seems in line but some of it seems way off. Will be interesting to see Triton's results especially on the PO4. At a quick glance PO4 seems high, Calcium seems low, salinity low, magnesium high compared to what I tested. No idea on ammonia since I didn't test for it and see no reason too but I have a hard time believing those numbers above. While things like Alkalinity seem right in line. Very odd results I feel. Even the nitrates seem high as I didn't register any change at all on salifert or redsea taking both twice and Red Sea I was easily able to read under 1ppm in the nitrates shoot out.
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CBB, One of my favorite fish. Use to have one in my original setup pre-flood and this thread around 2007. I finally found a really nice looking specimen and was acting like a copperband should while at the LFS. I've had it for a while now and got it eating mysis, clams, muscles, and live black worms which are its favorite.

I clipped the tip of a pipette off so it can get to the food with out competition. If another fish comes up I suck it back in and they don't have the mouth to get to it. Though they don't have to worry as I broadcast feed this all too them too. And the copperband is getting better at picking it out of the water free floating too.
