Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

In fact, I now have a mated pair of clown fish. :)


He's tending and she's protecting

And she will draw blood!
Orp dropped suddenly and drastically last night. Not sure why and probably wont know why. I looked around for anything dead or anemone shredded up but nothing.


Took the time to get my ozone generator hooked back up since the move its been disconnected.


Jason, how many fish are in your 180? I'm following your skimmer posts in the other thread and 6 cups a day is an insane amount of skimmate to be pulling. :D

Good question

Fiji Yellow Leather (8" diameter maybe)
Duncan (50ish heads)
bunch of red mushrooms (15+)
ORA red goniopora (3ish" ball when fully retracted)
purple haze monti (2+" frag and growing)
9 RBTA's
1 small minimax
1 small head of some kind of euphyllia coral

Other corals that I Can't rely on to judge reactions
1 frog spawn that hasn't recovered from a bad alk spike about 2-3 month ago
1 birds nest that also hasn't recovered from that bad alk spike
some kind of gorgonian coral (3ish") that's finally recovering from that alk spike a few months ago

Then I also have a LOT of sponges.

Yellow Belly Blue Tang (~8")
A. pyroferus mimic tang (~6")
Desjardini Sailfin Tang (~5.5")
Yellow eye Kole Tang (~4+")
One spot fox face (~6")
2 Orange side fairy wrasses (~5")
Potters Leopard Wrasse (~5")
2 False Percs (~3.5")
2 Banggai Cardinals (~3.5")
Blue Dot Sleeper Goby (~5")
Yellow Watchman Goby (~5")
Mandarin (~3")
Flame Angel (~3.5")
Coral Beauty Angel (~3.5")
Bi-Color Angel (~3")
Matted file fish (~3")
9 blue green chromis (~1-2")
cleaner wrasse (~1.5")

Way to many asterina stars.
2 common starfish from kp aquatics
1 rapidly growing purple short spine rock urchin
Several peppermint shrimp
1 fighting conch
a few turbo snails
several other various snail
handful of blue leg hermits
tons of worms
999231409312840932850293840329849832749324809238408923794832709483 various pods

lots of aiptasia in the sump where I like them with a couple in the display

4x per day my automatic feeder dumps in some pellets NLS marine and NLS algaemax mixed together (12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm)
2-3x per day I dump in some meaty foods
2-3 sheets of nori per day.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
Changed out the ATS screen for the Mortar screen Bud sent me. Thank you!

The warped screen has issues

I totally didnt think to get a pic until I was done scraping but here you can see the bare area in the middle again. Great production around the edges.


I did check to make sure all the red led jumpers were set right that cuts down on their intensity while a screen starts up. But they were all set right on both sides.

New screen is now running.
When did you end up starting the screen up? That's max 2 weeks of growth from scratch, killer!

Just started the ATS up recently. That burned out shot was the 3rd cleaning I think. First 2 were around 1 week apart. Then that 3rd one was 2 weeks apart and same with this last one. I'm excited to get this back going 100% again across the screen with the new mortar screen.

Edit: 6/16 was the first cleaning one week out from starting so around 6/9
Oh I gotcha, for a second there I thought that was the new mortar screen in that last pic, that didn't seem to make sense but hey you never know...
Ha! Yeah that would be insane. So this will be a good back to back startup to see how fast the mortar screen gets to producing that thick algae mat.
I picked up a used seneye and have it running now for the last couple days. Just something to play with and primarily got it for the par meter on it. I haven't tested that out yet.

Temp has been reading consistently about 2 degrees F lower then my Apex and digital thermometer I have all next to each other. pH has been pretty well tracking and the same as the Apex. Temp isn't a big deal as I can mentally note the differences and calibrate in my head. Plus, I have many things checking and controlling temp (Apex, Ranco, built in heater thermostats, digital thermometer, and now the seneye.)

The Seneye also tracks ammonia. Many say this is only useful for new tanks or QT and many established tank owners dismiss the seneye as not very useful. About 2 years ago I think it was my tank took a turn for the worse due to some mold mildew cleaner spray getting into it (not by me...). It lead to practically all inverts dieing and several fish deaths which I think was most likely caused by ammonia spikes from the invert deaths.

If the seneye was monitoring it would have alerted me to the tank going downhill and I may have been able to save some of those fish before the ammonia spiked to high. Probably not the inverts.

Now I don't think manual ammonia or nitrite testing is very useful at all for the established tank but the constant monitoring from the seneye and it's cloud capabilities of alerting you via email and text I found could be very useful. I hope I never need it again but it's like insurance isn't it especially since the seneye requires slides to be replaced every 35 days to monitor pH and ammonia. Plus side, is that each slide renewal is recalibrating itself.

I've also flound it very interesting to see my ammonia goes up to 0.01ppb and back down to 0.001ppb every day with a steady up swing through out the day to midnightish and s steady down swing after that. At some point I will look at the trends and see what it coordinates with.

Some side by side screen shots of the two.



Would be nice to see seneye develop this further like the mindstream and keep costs down for the consumables.
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Damn, the mortar screen is where it's at. There's already GHA attaching and starting to grow. Thank You Turbo Aquatics for sending me this replacement Kick @55 screen!

First week and first quick swipe





Decided I didn't like two circuits in one box and split them up. Just on the off wild chance of an arc between the two. The CAFCI should kill it quickly if it happens but I'd rather prevent the possibility from happening.


Those are some kick butt surge protectors too in a nice small package.

But I have a front line of defense before even those that helps protect the whole house. For some reason I've ran into the whole CAFCI/GFCI/SPD subject quite a bit recently.

Whole home SPD

I highly recommend either that hepd80 or the eaton ultra.
finished off (for now) my testing with the MTC MVX 36" skimmer.

Cliffs: This skimmer kicks @$#

Posted in this thread:
Some cool stats update 4

Aquamaxx Em 300
Air draw: ~38 scfh
Watts: rated 27watts actual: 31.38watts
Skimmate produced: ~1 cup dry/day and ~3cups wet/day low side


Mag18 as return pump w/ ~12' head height
Max head height:16.85'
Watts: rated 150watts actual: 71.18watts
Flow: rated 1500gph@0 head actual: ~750gph@12' head pressure


Mag18 with MVX stock 684 mazzei venturi
Air draw: ~12 scfh
Max head height:16.85'
Watts: rated 150watts actual: 62-63watts
Skimmate produced: ~3 cups dry/day high side

Mag18 with 784 mazzei
Air draw: ~14scf
Max head height: 16.85'
Watts: rated 150watts actual: 65-66watts
Skimmate produced: ~3 cups dryish/day low side


Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 8 w/ 684 mazzei
Air draw: ~18scfh
Max head height: 22.96'
Watts: rated: 150watts (w/ adapter) 139watts (after adapter) actual: 114wattts (w/ adapter)
Skimmate produced: ~4 cups dry/day

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 9 w/ 684 mazzei
Air draw: ~22scfh
Max head height: 22.96'
Watts: rated: 150watts (w/ adapter) 139watts (after adapter) actual: 128wattts (w/ adapter)
Skimmate produced: ~6 cups dryish/day!!!

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 10 w/ 684 mazzei
Air draw: ~24scfh
Max head height: 22.96'
Watts: rated: 150watts (w/ adapter) 139watts (after adapter) actual: 142wattts (w/ adapter)
Skimmate produced: ~6 cups dry/day

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 11 w/ 684 mazzei
Air draw: ~24scfh
Max head height: 22.96'
Watts: rated: 150watts (w/ adapter) 139watts (after adapter) actual: 147wattts (w/ adapter)
Skimmate produced: ~5.5 cups dry/day


Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 8 w/ 784 mazzei
Air draw: ~22scfh
Max head height: 22.96'
Watts: rated: 150watts (w/ adapter) 139watts (after adapter) actual: 114wattts (w/ adapter)
Skimmate produced: ~3 cups dry/day

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 9 w/ 784 mazzei
Air draw: ~22scfh
Max head height: 22.96'
Watts: rated: 150watts (w/ adapter) 139watts (after adapter) actual: 128wattts (w/ adapter)
Skimmate produced: ~5.5 cups dry/day

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 10 w/ 784 mazzei
Air draw: ~24scfh
Max head height: 22.96'
Watts: rated: 150watts (w/ adapter) 139watts (after adapter) actual: 143wattts (w/ adapter)
Skimmate produced: ~6 cups dry/day

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 11 w/ 784 mazzei
Air draw: ~26scfh
Max head height: 22.96'
Watts: rated: 150watts (w/ adapter) 139watts (after adapter) actual: 150wattts (w/ adapter)
Skimmate produced: ~6 cups dry/day

Will calculate out the efficiency/performance thing next. but right now I have to rip apart a power bar... ha!

I couldn't be happier with the waveline with it's higher head pressure rating compared to other (affordable) internal AC or DC pumps out there.

Adding on now to what I started to put together before.

So lets see some form of percentage of the ratio between cups dry produced vs wattage vs. air draw used
Aquamaxx Em 300
vs. wattage used: 3.2% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 2.6% "performance"


MTC MVX with Mag18 and MVX stock 684 mazzei venturi
vs. wattage used: 4.8% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 25% "performance"

MTC MVX with Mag18 and 784 mazzei
vs. wattage used: 4.5% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 21.4% "performance"


Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 8 w/ 684 mazzei
vs. wattage used: 3.5% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 22.2% "performance"

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 9 w/ 684 mazzei
vs. wattage used: 4.7% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 27.3% "performance"

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 10 w/ 684 mazzei
vs. wattage used: 4.2% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 25% "performance"

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 11 w/ 684 mazzei
vs. wattage used: 3.7% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 22% "performance"


Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 8 w/ 784 mazzei
vs. wattage used: 2.6% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 13.6% "performance"

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 9 w/ 784mazzei
vs. wattage used: 4.2% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 25% "performance"

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 10 w/ 784mazzei
vs. wattage used: 4.2% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 25% "performance"

Waveline DC 12000 @ Level 11 w/ 784 mazzei
vs. wattage used: 4% "efficiency"
vs. air draw: 23% "performance"

This is all fully assuming that the skimmate production would be exactly the same time after time at each of those levels. Which it's been really pretty steady but I'm sure what pulls 6 cups per day one time might pull 5.5 cups per day and reverse. But I don't see something pulling 3 cups per day gaining that much ground or reverse.

So, my totally unscientific conclusion which is most likely wrong is:

Waveline DC 12000 @ level 9 with the stock 684 mazzei is the winner for highest performance ratio of cups produced to air draw.
Mag 1800 with the stock 684 mazzei is the winnder for highest efficiency ratio of cups produced to wattage used

If looking for as much air draw as possible to say for aeration purposes the Waveline DC 12000 @ level 11 w/ the 784 mazzei is the winner.

If looking for a pump that runs cooler that will still produce something you'd be happy with then the Mag 18 w/ 784 venture. (produced about the same amount of skimmate as with the 684 but it was dryer so could produce more wetter.)

Definitely some unexpected results as I figured the waveline with the 784 was going to really kick the 684's butt. But, what I think is happening, the waveline handled the head height so well the more restricted 684 didn't hurt it at all. The 784 did help the mag18 that doesn't have near the head height rating. In fact I think the 684 may have produced a finer bubble with the waveline vs. with the 784.

and in the end YMMV :cool:

There's more I plan to play around with on this skimmer but going to take a break from it for a bit and get back to some other things like my saltmix parameter testing and thread. ;)
I put the 684 mazzei in place and connected to the Apex via a VDM module. Took me a bit to figure out one small detail that was left out of the instructions... Oh wait, there are no instructions that come with it. :confused:

You have to have the Waveline controller at the lowest setting before it picks up what the VDM is telling it or at least lower then what the Apex is telling it.

I have it set to 80% which I figured would be close to level 9. It's pulling about 20scfh so it's not quite to the level 9. I'll tweak it higher eventually. I'll let it ride here for a bit.

My quick basic Apex programming which I love I can ramp down the speed once my Davey Jones locker is close to full but not there yet. Kind of slow it down in case it's overflowing for some reason which this skimmer has been super stable so far. I might even get another float in there and get a stepped ramp down process.

Skimmer physical outlet
Fallback OFF
Set ON
If Power SumpEB8_7 Off 002 Then OFF
If Outlet vSumpHigh_A7 = ON Then OFF
If Outlet return_7_1 = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet vLockerF_A3 = ON Then OFF
Defer 002:00 Then ON

VDM var1 outlet:
Fallback OFF
Set SkimmerOn
If Outlet vLockerD_A2 = ON Then SkimmerSlow
If Outlet vLockerF_A3 = ON Then OFF

The Profiles:
Name SkimmerOn
Type Pump
Synchronize Disable
Divide by 10 Disable
Initial Off Time 0 seconds
On Time 0 seconds
Off Time 0 seconds
Minimum Intensity 80%
Maximum Intensity 80%

Name SkimmerSlow
Type Pump
Synchronize Disable
Divide by 10 Disable
Initial Off Time 0 seconds
On Time 0 seconds
Off Time 0 seconds
Minimum Intensity 60%
Maximum Intensity 60%
Damn, the mortar screen is where it's at. There's already GHA attaching and starting to grow. Thank You Turbo Aquatics for sending me this replacement Kick @55 screen!

First week and first quick swipe






Decided to hold off two weeks since the screen was already starting to get some good attachments.

Second cleaning and its looking great with a nice even layer on both sides.



I went ahead and bumped up the light intensity from half to full tonight. See how it responds to that. They are on I think for 14 hours. After the next cleaning depending on how it looks I'll start increasing the hours the lights are on.
I was very surprised and impressed. Remember I also had just started that warped one too just before this one and it took several weeks just to get a slime coat going. :)