Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Love the pic of your goniopora, how long have you had it? I read somewhere that long term success with them can be elusive.
I'll have to look back. I'm pretty sure I got it the same time I got the purple haze monti.

Its an ORA red which is supposed to be hardier.
Found it. I got the ora red goniopora october last year. Its gown pretty well. That frag square can't be seen anymore.

I feel like my tank is finally back in balance with itself. I haven't felt this way about my tank since last year before my tank was "nuked" killing off all my corals and any invert that wasn't buried in the sand plus many fish from I'm assuming an ammonia spike or directly from the cleaning chemicals themselves.

I don't have a spot of cyano anymore from my recent self induced nutrient spike from feeding WAY to much food in a couple hours period emptying an entire automatic fish feeder into the tank. I never did get any hair algae from that incident. That could be due to the Turbo L3 ATS. But I didn't do anything drastic to get rid of the cyano either. I did use some GFO for a couple weeks but its been offline after that when ever that was. It's back in this log somewhere when I put it online. Other then that I just watched the cyano melt away slowly. It's always good to have a reactor and media like GFO and GAC handy even if not normally used. Same with a polyfilter (not polyfill). Emergencies happen but never panic. If there's anything I've learned from reading Douglas Adams novels is DON'T PANIC!

So, decided to get a couple small frags tonight. I like watching them grow and well small frags are cheap (at least locally they are).

I'm hoping this guy survives. I understand gonioporas are hit or miss. There's also a baby red mushroom popping up and this is on the opposite end of the tank from where the growing cluster is at.

And this little guy

My yellow Fiji leather is getting to be a pretty good size

And may as well post some more pictures.

And 3 lyre tail anthias.

And I'm sure I'm still forgetting something

I never noticed a decrease in skimmate due to the ATS.

Fiji Yellow Leather (8" diameter maybe)
Duncan (50ish heads)
bunch of red mushrooms (15+)
ORA red goniopora (3ish" ball when fully retracted)
purple haze monti (2+" frag and growing)
9 RBTA's
1 small head of some kind of euphyllia coral
1 frog spawn that hasn't recovered from a bad alk spike about 2-3 month ago
1 birds nest that also hasn't recovered from that bad alk spike
some kind of gorgonian coral (3ish") that's finally recovering from that alk spike a few months ago

Then I also have a LOT of sponges.

Yellow Belly Blue Tang (~8")
A. pyroferus mimic tang (~6")
Desjardini Sailfin Tang (~5.5")
Yellow eye Kole Tang (~4+")
One spot fox face (~6")
2 Orange side fairy wrasses (~5")
Potters Leopard Wrasse (~5")
2 False Percs (~3.5")
Banggai Cardinal (~3.5")
Blue Dot Sleeper Goby (~5")
Yellow Watchman Goby (~5")
Flame Angel (~3.5")
Coral Beauty Angel (~3.5")
Bi-Color Angel (~3")
Matted file fish (~3")
9 blue green chromis (~1-2")
cleaner wrasse (~1.5")

1 fighting conch
a few turbo snails
several other various snail
handful of blue leg hermits
tons of worms
999231409312840932850293840329849832749324809238408923794832709483 various pods

lots of aiptasia in the sump where I like them with a couple in the display

Way to many asterina stars.

2 common starfish from kp aquatics

1 rapidly growing purple short spine rock urchin

Several peppermint shrimp

I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

4x per day my automatic feeder dumps in some pellets NLS marine and NLS algaemax mixed together (12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm)
2-3x per day I dump in some meaty foods
2-3 sheets of nori per day.
How are you able to feed 3x a day? Are you home most of the time?

What is your lighting schedule?

My actinics come on at 730 till 4pm, my 4 bulb blue + and coral + comes on from 330-915.

I don't have enough hours in the day to feed that many times. So I just pellet feed and mysis feed until they stop wanting it, once a day. Usually a 10 minute feeding.

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How are you able to feed 3x a day? Are you home most of the time?

What is your lighting schedule?

My actinics come on at 730 till 4pm, my 4 bulb blue + and coral + comes on from 330-915.

I don't have enough hours in the day to feed that many times. So I just pellet feed and mysis feed until they stop wanting it, once a day. Usually a 10 minute feeding.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
I don't exactly know the schedule with out looking it up. My programming doesn't even tell me. I use the Apex seasonal chart for just about everything I can including the lighting schedule. But I do have everything shifted forward like 3 hours.

So, during the winter months the light schedule is shorter and summer longer.

First the blue led channel
Fallback ON
If Sun 210/210 Then ON
If DTTemp > 86.0 Then OFF
If Power Apex Off 001 Then OFF

Then the t5ho
Fallback OFF
If Sun 240/180 Then ON
If DTTemp > 84.5 Then OFF

Then the white led channel
Fallback OFF
If Sun 270/150 Then ON
If DTTemp > 85.0 Then OFF

Then off in reverse order.

My automatic feeder on the apex feeds 4 times a day. Then as soon as i get home I add a sheet or two of nori and some meaty foods.

Then after dinner do the same.

Then later again.

Sometimes I miss a feeding because I'm busy or just watching the nutrients. And sometimes I add a feeding to increase the nutrients.

Stock venturi with mag18
Killowatt still says just over 62 watts average

Dwyer still says a solid 12
Bounces between 10 and just touching 14



3 days since cleaning and can't see a thing through the collection cup

And just over 1/2 gallon or around 3 cups per day


And now for the 784 mazzei injector swap

I made sure to take out the ball and spring but I noticed Jeff from MTC used this little o-ring that had a bigger opening then what came with the 784 so I used the oring that came with the 684 stock venturi


684 back and 784 front with easy swap union setup

I turned the skimmer on and the collection cup started filling up. I had to open up the gate valve a bit as the 784 is the gph rating along with the model # as is 684gph.

I got excited and hooked up the Dwyer.

Kind of anti climatic. Its reading a solid 14/15. Bouncing up to 16.



So, more air draw and definitely more flow. Will let this run for another week monitoring the killawatt and the skimmate production. I imagine the watts used will go up. Will also see if the slight increase in air and water flow effects how the skimmer handles LRS fish frenzy.
There are more microbubbles in the skimmer sump section. Bubble size in the skimmer seems the same size but whiter which would indicate the more air draw. If they were an issue I would point the inside fittings the air comes out of up more. Sump bubnle trap is catching them so I don't care.

Pictures just don't seem to show it well.




That change is all from the oversized o-ring?

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Its from a different mazzei venturi. It comes with a 684gph 3/4" kynar injector. I also bought a 784gph 3/4" kynar injector. Kynar is the material its made out of that is ozone safe.

I had noticed the 684 that comes with the skimmer had that oring with a bigger opening the the flat washer like ring that came with the 784 so used the oring.
Lovely dry foam


Just the couple couple extra scfh of air draw is producing a noticeable thicker amount of air in the skimmer.

If you saw the video embedded previously here's a comparison of the air filling in more of the skimmer and into the bottom of it
I just got done doing this


The waveline dc12000 is ready to go for next week.

1.25" FTP to 1" slip.
1" Spaflex pvc to a spears union. I like they are a bit more compact in size.
1" slip to 3/4" MTP
3/4" FTP/Slip elbow
Then the rest is all 3/4" setup just like the stock setup.

I found I had all the parts. (I have WAY to much "stuff" sitting on shelves collected over the years)

And this allows for 0 need for any clamps. Unions allow for easy disassembly and maintenance. That spaflex is going to keep shape a heck of a lot better too. I notice that vinyl tubing kind of narrowing in spots. I was hoping the braided kind would keep shape better.

The waveline came with two of these little washers like you have on a garden hose and it fit right in that 1 1/4" FTP side so slid it in there. Between that and the tape it should be more then good enough for in sump use.

Did a quick swipe for the first time on the ATS screen since starting it back up.

Some bacteria and diatom growth with already a tiny bit of green around the edges.
Light blockers? You're getting growth at the slot/screen junction. Did the screen waviness go away? Totally forgot about that BTW sorry
Light blockers? You're getting growth at the slot/screen junction. Did the screen waviness go away? Totally forgot about that BTW sorry

np. It's still wavy like S curves. The light blockers were actually in place I took them off just before I snapped that picture. Most of that uptop was bacteria and detritus. The green was along the bottom. Kind of hard to see the difference in the picture.
Beautiful day out today. First day in a while it wasn't high 90s and 100s. Mid eights and a nice steady breeze.

That was my grandfathers boat. I wish I didn't lose the car in the flood :(
Decided to upgrade the tank over the weekend.

Figured 66,781,911,840 gallons might be big enough for the finding dori fishes I'm bound to be requested to get as soon as the kids watch the movie.

I'm hoping this overflow is big enough

Speaking of which...

Back when I was messing around with the return and stuff I didn't have the safety screen in place like I normally do

You can see the screen in this shot

It helps any jumping fish to be redirected back into the tank. Unfortunately, while the screen was out of place overnight one night the little clownfish my daughter and wife bought me for my birthday jumped. Go figure.

I got this little guy to replace him. And he's made himself right at home and I'm excited about it. First time my anemones has hosted. He's swimming in and out of all of them looking like he's enjoying life. My bigger and probably around 10 year old female has shown him who's boss but not to bad anymore.



In fact they are getting along quite well now and she's started to get interested in the nems too. She's not going into them fully yet. Probably needs to build up that tolerance.

This skimmer is very interesting.

Its pulling more air @ 14scfh

Its pushing more water as indicated by higher air draw and higher watts used that correlates with lower head pressure allowing more water flow.
@ still averaging just over 65 watts

It seems to be running a bit wetter. Which all together especially the wetter part you would, or at least I would, think it would produce more skimmate. It hasn't.

After a week it looks the same.

But slightly under the 1 gallon mark

So, sencing running wetter is producing less I turned the nob down a bit and see if running a bit dryer and match the dryer production of the stock 684 with the installed 784 mazzei.

I cleaned out the collection cup and ran the pump in the davy jones to dump put the skimmate. I'll check back again in 3 days. After that I think its waveline dc12000 time.