I feel like my tank is finally back in balance with itself. I haven't felt this way about my tank since last year before my tank was "nuked" killing off all my corals and any invert that wasn't buried in the sand plus many fish from I'm assuming an ammonia spike or directly from the cleaning chemicals themselves.
I don't have a spot of cyano anymore from my recent self induced nutrient spike from feeding WAY to much food in a couple hours period emptying an entire automatic fish feeder into the tank. I never did get any hair algae from that incident. That could be due to the Turbo L3 ATS. But I didn't do anything drastic to get rid of the cyano either. I did use some GFO for a couple weeks but its been offline after that when ever that was. It's back in this log somewhere when I put it online. Other then that I just watched the cyano melt away slowly. It's always good to have a reactor and media like GFO and GAC handy even if not normally used. Same with a polyfilter (not polyfill). Emergencies happen but never panic. If there's anything I've learned from reading Douglas Adams novels is DON'T PANIC!
So, decided to get a couple small frags tonight. I like watching them grow and well small frags are cheap (at least locally they are).
I'm hoping this guy survives. I understand gonioporas are hit or miss. There's also a baby red mushroom popping up and this is on the opposite end of the tank from where the growing cluster is at.
And this little guy
My yellow Fiji leather is getting to be a pretty good size
And may as well post some more pictures.