Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

1. Looks like I'll be getting a Turbo's Aquatic Rev4 L8 soon. I still have to pay for it so that will hurt but they are so worth it. Bud constantly tries to think of ways to make it better. The Rev3 L3 has been awesome but for the amount of food I feed I want to get a bigger screen otherwise I'd stick with the L3. I'm excited.

2. My flame angel and clowns have been having a little territorial dispute recently. First one I've had in my tank in a long time. Which surprises me considering how many fish I have and of the same species.

So, my female clown switches between hovering over top of it all and under in the cave chasing the flame angel away or at least trying. The male is constantly darting from one anemone to the other and darts out and right back in from undercover when he sees the flame.

I got a new favorite scraper and really only for glass tanks. I've been a big fan of the Tunze care magnet but the inside doesn't float so I had to rig up the bobber to easily retrieve it. Also the blades dull quickly which they aren't sharp in the first place and 3 blades are like $9. So, I end up getting some build up on the glass the tunze can't get so I go in with a razor.

I found the answer. The algae free easy blade attachment. It's basically what PaulB came up with and shown in his book that uses razors epoxied to a mag float.

This uses a wider blade and you just glue it to a mag float of some kind.




Seems like its been around a while but harder to find. Algae Free I'm sure would rather you purchase their newer plus mag models. Which already has a blade attachment which are like the tunze's and aren't sharp either. Plus their replacement blades are like $10 for only 2.

The easy blade replacements can be found for like $8 for 10 of them and they are actual blades.
I have nothing but good things to say about Avast skimmers and the great people that own it. I don't know anyone else who encourages you to build their product to save quite a bit of money.

My next skimmer will be an Avast.
I have nothing but good things to say about Avast skimmers and the great people that own it. I don't know anyone else who encourages you to build their product to save quite a bit of money.

My next skimmer will be an Avast.
Ok. I really like the neck cleaner and it's lasted a good amount of time through 3 skimmers now I think it is. Though I can't recommend their peristaltic pumps. Mine kept dieing but their support is great.
Sweet! Found my next lighting setup to try.

Started with T5s and loved the coverage and colors. Hated changing out the bulbs. Then I found reefbrite strips to try and replace the T5 bulbs.

I loved the coverage of the reefbrites but missed some colors. Then some leds started going out. Found some cheap led fixtures to try out that had a blend of colors.

The coverage wasn't the best with the 3 16" fixtures. The colors were pin points so didn't blend well. So, I added a couple T5s. Love the colors of the T5 with the LEDs. But I'm up to 100% power on both channels now and been running them for 2 years. Then a couple violets are out now it seems but it looks like its more of an issue that plagued chinese cheep leds back when I bought them. Who knows how long the rest of the fixture will last. They were super cheap though and got them for like $120 each. So, they were worth the cost and let me experience a different kind of setup and let me know what I might or might not want.

So, I've been looking for different options and planned on upgrading beginning of next year. The Kessil leds were front runners. I also wanted to keep the dual T5s as I still love their color blend.

Well, I found a new led bar like the reefbrites but more powerful and a couple different wavelengths of blue that the all blue reefbrites didnt have. And a lot cheaper and comes with power supplies.

The sb reef lights sbar. I'll mount the hamilton dual T5 in the center. Then I got 2 60" 50/50 and 2 60" actinic sbars.

The 60" sbars are 135 watts each with cree and epistar diodes. The reefbrites tech is only 45watts and xho is 72 watts.

60" sbar 135 watts $215 w/ power supply and shipping

60" tech reefbrite 45 watts $294 no powersupply
60" xho reefbrite 72 watts $470 no powersupply

Plus I really like that the mounting bracket slides up and down and can be anywhere along the length.

10% off right now with "WhatCoralsCrave10" in the voucher field at checkout.

I'm excited to get back to the bar style and in combination with the dual T5.
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All 4 sbar led light strips are in! Now to find time to swap them in.

I did finally get around to using the par meter to see where my tank is now. It was rather surprising the huge variations from spot to spot at the same height across the tank. Definitely not getting even coverage right now.

My son is getting into the aquarium and ocean animals more and more. He's super exited about getting these posters up on his wall. He also told santa last weekend he wants a chemistry set for Christmas.


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All 4 sbar led light strips are in! Now to find time to swap them in.

I did finally get around to using the par meter to see where my tank is now. It was rather surprising the huge variations from spot to spot at the same height across the tank. Definitely not getting even coverage right now.

My son is getting into the aquarium and ocean animals more and more. He's super exited about getting these posters up on his wall. He also told santa last weekend he wants a chemistry set for Christmas.



Was that before or after adding the bars?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Christmas present from my son... lol


So, now I have a dragon head and a sunken submarine. That will eventually make its way to the side of the tank I think.
Done for the most part with a little testing of a product called Vibrant. So, I went ahead and swapped out my LED light fixtures for the sb reeflight sbars I got earlier this month.

So, swapped out 3 120w fixtures for 4 135w bar lights. Keeping the 60" dual bulb hamilton sunv t5ho strip.

The spread is perfect (no cross bar shadowing) and even though there's a good amount more wattage being delivered it doesn't at seem to bright but that could be due to a lot more blue leds (450 and 420nm). Which I'm sure par and pur is a lot more. Will need to get the par meter out later. It is bluer looking in the tank but more around 14k and blends right in with the coral plus T5s. So, if you have Coral plus bulbs the "blueness" is right about even with that. Many people that like 20k look say the coral plus is to white. It's all in the eye of the beholder isn't it. I'm not a 20k person so it looks good to me.

So, here's around 700 watts mounted under the hood (from around 520 watts). I love how these bars mount and fully adjustable positions along the length and angle.

Front to back
50/50 sbar
Actinic sbar
T5H0 w/ 2 coral plus bulbs
Actinic sbar
50/50 sba4

Sitting and watching I'm loving the look more and more. The coverage is like before with the reef brights which was better then the 3 fixtures. There's a subtle shimmer that I like and I'm sure the T5s help smooth it out.

The 3 fixture's shimmer just didn't seem right due to the scattering of different colored LEDs like reds and greens that didn't blend well. Kessils being tightly grouped is much better. Philips coral care is supposed to have that diffusing plate but I still don't see that helping much when I have to mount it under the canopy and is like 7-8" off the water. If I could mount the fixtures a lot higher then the colors could probably blend in better. But then would need more fixtures to get the par.

Ok, just ranting now. So, basically, I'm very happy with this setup. No complaints so far even though its been like 2 seconds. Now, I hope they last longer then the reefbrites did. If an LED does go out on these I think I'll just replace that LED this time. I just really like the strip light look especially now with the T5HO in the mix.

And it seems the colors are just popping out at me right now. Could be a combo of the T5s being right over top now and the extra 420/450nm LEDs. And oddly enough I can get some ok shots of that minimax. Must be how it's all blending now or something. No idea.





Another big bonus: no fans. I do have a cheap clip on fan behind the canopy just to help airflow but those led fixtures had two fans each that generated a good bit of noise.

Tank is damn near silent now. That single fan behind he tank is the loudest thing now which is barely noticeable. Beananimal overflow is silent. No fans on any of the lights dead silent. I've been lucky with my two gyres in that they are very quite and have to put your ears up to them to hear them.

And that's it. Nothing else to make any noise. Very peaceful.