I received my order from PA about 1 hr ago. I did ground which did get my order here in 1 day, but I'm worried about my shrimps. I received 2 peppermint shrimps and 1 blood red shrimp. The peppermint look to be clinging to some cheato that was included with them, yet they are not moving. However, the blood red shrimp is now laying on its side and not moving at all.
I've read that sometimes inverts may appear dead, but will come through. I'm doing a slow drip acclimate now on everything and hopefully everything will be ok. However, is there something I should be looking for?
I have other LS and they are getting a slow drip acclimate too. Most of the snails are moving around and as for the corals, I'll have to wait until they go in the tank. I usually acclimate 2hrs for snails and shrimp and 1hr for fish and corals.
I've read that sometimes inverts may appear dead, but will come through. I'm doing a slow drip acclimate now on everything and hopefully everything will be ok. However, is there something I should be looking for?
I have other LS and they are getting a slow drip acclimate too. Most of the snails are moving around and as for the corals, I'll have to wait until they go in the tank. I usually acclimate 2hrs for snails and shrimp and 1hr for fish and corals.