Recommendation for Floating Magnet Cleaner, 3/4" Glass


Active member
Can someone recommend a magnetic cleaner strong enough for 3/4" glass THAT FLOATS?

I see in description online for Magnavore 6ER "Designed for 5/8 and 3/4 inch thick glass and acrylic" and wonder whether those are separate max thickness for glass and acrylic, respectively (i.e., max thickness for glass 5/8, max thickness for acrylic 3/4).

Smaller ones will work. I've got one from my old 180g. Issue is they don't clean them as good and you'll get the film that comes back quicker. With that said I hate my hammerhead (or whatever it's called for my 3/4" glass) the fact it drops like a missile sucks

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Mighty magnets are the really good if money is not an issue.

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I've had the Magnavore for my 3/4" acrylic for a few years.
I wasn't cheap, but is sure does the the job.
I like my tunze magnet but if it comes off the glass it sinks like a rock

I like the fact that the design keeps just the blade against the glass. But that limits the amount of surface area that can be cleaned in each pass. Ultimately I ordered a Tiger Shark floating.

When I get substrate into the tank -- currently there's just a bare bottom with rock curing in the tank -- I may get one of the Tunzes instead.