Recommendations for making a tank maintenance free for a month


New member
So, I have a work opportunity that needs to take me the other side of the world for approximately a month.
Frankly, I don't really have someone I can trust (or do it right) to do some regular maintenance nor do i want to pay someone while I am gone.
I have a controller wave-maker, AI prime, smart ato all on a schedule. Heater/Chiller connected to an Apex Jr. Generic battery-operated auto-feeder (I never use it except the occasional weekend trip). Temperature and Salinity would stay relatively constant.
I have never let my tank go unattended for more than 2-3 days.
My thought was to give my fish to a LFS (which they have plenty of space) and just leave the corals by themselves.
Can corals survive with ZERO fish, zero poop and zero food other than light?
I was going to have one person maybe just check in once a week and dose some 2-part and some amino acids.
Additionally, I have 10 trochus snails, 6 hermit crabs and 1 peppermint shrimp. Not sure what to do about them. Can they survive off just crap in the sandbed, algae, aipstasia,etc for 1-month?
I could just give them back to the LFS so they dont die in the tank and repurchase some more when i get back.
My entire goal is just to do ZERO maintenance while gone without the tank crashing on me.
Damn, I was going to submit this post and forgot about my Triachna Clam. Can it survive off just light? Would it make sense to maybe throw in a capful of phyoplankton once a week.

The person I have in mind basically knows nothing about aquariums, but he can stop over 1x week for 10 minutes to "throw in" some things in the tank if given specific instructions.

I have over a month to plan this out, just not sure what makes the best sense.
I did a 3 week trip with no one even looking at the tank so it's doable but not ideal.

Things to think about,

1) does your ato container last long enough to keep the tank topped off for a month? I used a big rubbermade container for my tank when I left just make sure it's lower than when you top off so you don't create a syphon.

2) do you trust your auto feeder?

If you have someone that would come over once a week I would get a decent auto feeder and have it run once or twice a week. Then portion out food for your friend to add to the tank when they visit. If they can run a mag float across the glass that will feed enough to keep the clam happy (I think)

Use your auto feeder now so you can know it works.

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I wouldn't mess with aminos while your gone. To much of a chance for algae

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I leave my tank for a month every year. 700g sps reef. I have a friend stop by a few times a week.

Definitely need a ato and someone to feed. Do a good water change / test before and when I get home.

That's my routine anyways. I have a 60 g ato. He has to refill it and over the years he's enjoyed it more so now he doesn't mind testing it either. Imo it's hard not having someone you trust

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I don't see a need to move your fish, that would be way more stressful. Get an auto feeder to feed a small amount of food twice a day. When your guy comes once a week to add your 2-part mixture, have some pre-measured frozen/cold food ready to go that he can dump in. You can also set your Apex to shut things down like your power heads and skimmer when the auto feeder runs. Get an extra-large container for your ATO water and you should be good.

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I am gone for a month at a time often. Biggest help is a roller mat filter. I also have a webcam and RoboTank controller monitoring and controlling things(feeder,ATO,dosing). Have friend come by once week to clean skimmer etc and have tank maintence guy as back up in emergency. Have had some issues and it is stressful but so far so good.