Recommendations on a small wrasse


Active member

I am look a opinions on a small wrasse for a 3ft tank.

A spices that will stay relatively small and will not out grow my tank.

What's the tank volume? Some flashers may fit, and maybe some of the smallest fairies, like pintail or Lubbock's.
I really like my yellow coris wrasse, it has been very peaceful and active. It can always be found swimming about the rock work picking away. The bright yellow really pops too.
6 lines are great but they need space. I had a small breeding group and they were awesome but in a 700. they are also one of the hardiest sw fish I have ever owned.
Pygmy wrasses are awesome &
Cleaner wrasses are an interesting critter .. I do like the look of six lines myself .. but they get a bad rep and can be aggressive/very territorial .. but in saying that there a good looking fish and it depends on what other species your keeping as to wether a sixline would be an issue with its not so friendly nature.

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+1. Possums are awesome
Yes. Possums are the bag. Once you add them to the tank, they will disappear forever, until you are lucky enough to get a glimpse of it swimming between crevices and caves.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Tanaka wrasse. I just go for long stretches without ever seeing it, which is a shame because it's a pretty fish.

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