Recommended setup for 90 gallon bowfront


New member
What setup do you recommend for a 90 gallon Oceanic bowfront? Will be LPS & SPS.

From ready through the forum it seem like two 6000 with a multicontroller. I'm I close? Overflow is in the center. Appreciate placement recommendation too.

Thank you in advance,
The kit you have picked out would work well, you will just place them in each back corner aimed to the opposite side or center, it is largely trial and error on placement. You will probably use a program where only one pump is running at a time both at the same time is probbably too much. You will also have to be careful with placement, long polyped LPS like Hammers and Torch, don't like too much flow, you need to shield them from the full force of the pump with some rock work.
Thanks Roger. Does it matter how low or high I put the 6000s? Any other accessories you recommend?

I'll purchase through my LFS. Who do they contact for purchase?
I would place the 6000's about 4" from the top so you get good surface agitation.

A wavebox could substitute for one of the Streams and that would work better.
How noisy is the Wavebox? The 6000? The only concern I have with the Wavebox is all the videos I watched there seems to be a lot of noise. The wife no-likey a noisy tank. :)
It will make noise and I forgot your tank is a bowfront, I would just get 2 6000's. I don't trust the integrity of bowfronts enough to recommend the wavebox for them, the wavebox stresses the seams of all tanks and I have seen bowfronts fail at a higher rate than rectangular tanks.
I've spent most of my free time during the last week reading just
about everyone of the threads on the wavebox. I did see your post about bowfronts this afternoon.

I was looking forward to the Wavefront / 6000 combo. The bowfront is a brand new Oceanic. But if you think it's too much stress ... I guess I'll have to go with the two 6000's.

You're patience in answering questions is commendable!

Can my LFS purchase from you or should I just buy from one of the online vendors you've mentioned? That's my last question. ;)
Okay, I'm a liar ... I have another question. If I do the 2 6000s with the deco rock enclosures. Do the rock enclosures need to be up higher? I think you suggested the 6000s be 4" from the top of the tank. Would I just work the 6000s into my live rock or place them on the bottom?
For the deco rocks, they should not be on the bottom, they should be at the top of a rock stack for easy cleaning, about midway in the tank is perfect, they angle the flow upwards slightly.

I have had bad experiences with bow fronts when I worked in retail, lots of seam failures. I have been told it was the adhesive or the person assembling them but I am not convinced. We got quite a few returned for leaking.

In normal circumstances I would love to work with your LFS but until I get caught up I have frozen taking any new dealer accounts, your LFS could order them for you from his wholesalers though.