I have 3 hawaiian sailfins. 2 are in SPS-dominated tanks, and the 3rd in an LPS display. They are all like having a goofy dog in the tank. Follow me wherever I move in the fish room. All they need is a big tongue hanging out the side of the mouth. Every one is a model citizen with the corals they share the tank with. My oldest has been with me for over 4 (may be closer to 5 now)years now. Remember these are Hawaiians, not Desjardinis. They may not have the nice specking across the face, and the coloring lightens some as they get older, but I love them. Absolutely no issues with the various Anthias species they share tanks with.
I have a 4th display in the room, that I made the mistake of putting a purple tang in. If I had the time to spend on trying to catch him in a fully aquacaped 125, he would've been gone over a year ago, and I'd have 4 Hawaiians.